Chapter 6

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I begin to jog, I can hear Connor call my name. He starts running too, he is a lot faster

As I walk away something stops me, and pulls me back.

"Jude." And without letting me take a second look he leans in and kisses me. He pulls me closer, he's looking down at me and grinning. "Jude, I love you and I always have."

I am at a loss for words and begin crying. I pull him in for the biggest hug I have ever given. Our bodies fit together.

"I'm sorry it took me this long to tell you that I am so in love with you. I've always known, Daria was just my way of convincing myself I don't."  Connor tells me with so much confidence in his voice.

We spend the rest of the day talking about how we felt about each other and when we realized it was so much more than friendship. We hug goodbye, I can't wait to tell my family.

I decide to wait for the next day to tell them just so I can get ready with how to say it. But late in the night I get yet another text from Connor.

Connor: jude. this is alot for me to ask of you. but my dad just threw me out of his house cause i told him im gay. i want to runaway. i want to go somewhere where he isn't

 It's a lot for me to take in. I think for a minute, my family would support me all the way, but I can't let Connor wander the streets alone. This will blow over, maybe only a few days and he will want to go back home. I pack two pairs of clothes, thick socks, all my money (two hundred dollars), and I'm off. I write a quick note too.

will be back, please don't worry, be back in two days or less.


Then I run out the door and see Connor once again terribly bruised. We hug for almost two minutes. Then I break the silence.

"Where are we gonna go," I ask.

"I'm not sure, lets go on the next bus." He instructs me .

We go on the next bus headed for Julian, California. A very small town about an hour away. As we sit on the bus and it starts to drive away, I look at Connors bruised face and think this may be for the best. We hold hands and I can feel Connor shaking. Connor never shows his true emotions if they would worry me, so I'm scared.

"We are only 13, is this stupid of us?" Connor mutters.

"A little bit, but it'll be okay."

Running away with your secret boyfriend sounds like the plot to some romance novel, but we were just two very stupid kids who thought running away would help solve our problems, when it would only make them worse. Of course we didn't know that yet.

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