Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!! thank you so much for taking the time to read my story!

Above is a picture of Brooke!

"Brooke? Are you ready to go?" The police officer stood in the doorway of my room. I smiled at him sadly.

"Can I have a minute to say good bye?"

"Sure. We have about five minutes until your stuff is all packed in the car." He turned around and went into the living room.

I turned and looked back at my room. I thought of all the memories here. My hand went up to the fresh bruise on my arm. I shivered at the thought of Her. I suddenly didn't want to be anywhere near this house. I quickly walked out of the room, holding back tears. The officer looked at me questioningly, and I nodded my head, saying that I would like to go now.

We got in the car and he looked at me before he started the car.

"Did she... abuse you?" he asked

Tears formed in my eyes. I nodded, looking down at my lap. He surprisingly reached over and took my hand. Tears were streaming down my face by now. He leaned over and gave me a hug. I tensed at first, but then relaxed into him. He was wearing the same cologne my father used to wear. That made me cry harder. We sat like that for a couple of minutes and then he pulled away.

"Look, your plane doesn't leave for another 4 hours. Do you want to go do something?"

"Do we have time to go to Tybee Island?" I asked, hoping we could go to the beach.

"Yeah. I like to go there to clear my mind." He said, starting the car. I smiled a little bit.

"Me to. Its my favorite place. I just want to say good bye. Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Does Mrs. Sage know about me being abused?"

"No. Nobody does but you and me. But now that I know, your mother will be charged for child abuse as well."   

"Can we not tell Mrs. Sage? I don't want her to look at me different." My voice cracked as I said that.

"Anything you want." He said. I felt like I could trust him.

"Can I tell you something else?" I said, trying to build my confidence.

"Shoot." I smiled. My dad used to say that.

"I was raped" I said quietly. He pulled over the car.

"When? By who?" He asked looking into my eyes. I looked back into his eyes. They were very brown. Like chocolate.

"When my father died, everything was OK with her for about 6 months. She just carried on whereas I was a wreck. My father was, I don't know, he was like my best friend. Not that I didn't have other friends, but he was always there. He held everything together. And when he died, I fell apart. It was hard for a 12 year old to loose someone important like that. I didn't eat very much and I stayed holed up in my room most of the time. About 5 months after he passed away, I started to be myself again. I ate more and I started hanging out with my friends again.

One night, my mother had a party with all of her co-workers. I wasn't allowed out because there was alcohol, so I just stayed in my room. A couple hours after the party started, I changed into my pajamas. While I was getting dressed, an obviously drunk man came into my room and then... well you know."

"I'm so sorry." He pulled me into another hug.

"Officer Read," He cut me off.

"My name is Jake." He said

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