Chapter 28

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I wake up and Brody's arms are wrapped tightly around me. I wiggle out of his grasp and walk out from behind the curtain to see everyone asleep. Michelle is on the couch with James and Max and Theo are on another couch while Lincoln and Logan have taken the bed. Reagan starts crying and I rush over to her. I pick her up and she quiets down. I check the time to see that it is 11 and she has to eat. I take off my hoodie and bra, and since nobody is awake, I don't bother with the blanket. She starts eating and I look down at her she looks into my eyes with her beautiful blue ones. When she finishes eating, I burp her and set her down to put on my bra. She starts crying so I pick her up again. Brody wakes up and wraps his arms around me from behind. His hands are cold on my bare stomach. He kisses my neck and I giggle.

I turn around and he takes Reagan from me so I can put on my hoodie. When I'm done, I see that she is already asleep. I kiss her head and Brody puts her in the cart. He pulls me into his lap and I soon fall asleep. I wake up again to Brody shaking me.

"Reagan has to eat" I sleepily take off my hoodie, to tired to bother with the blanket cover. She starts eating and I struggle to stay awake, but I fall asleep. She stops eating and Brody takes her from me and he tries to put my bra on but fails so he just puts on the hoodie. He picks me up and sits down on his lap in the chair, wrapping his arms around me once again.

I wake up again to Brody shaking me. I stand up, thinking that if I stand, I won't fall asleep. He takes off my hoodie and hands me Reagan. She eats and I'm just standing there, half asleep still. He takes her and burps her, then puts on my hoodie again and I fall asleep in his arms as he sits us down in the chair again.

The next time he wakes me up, Michelle is also awake. She is sitting behind the curtain with us. I squint against the morning light as Brody hands me Reagan. I lift up my hoodie and put on the blanket thing and feed her and then burp her, laying her down in the cart. I put on my hoodie and bra again and walk over to Brody. I lay my head down in his chest and stand there. He picks me up bridal style and I melt into him. I breath in his cologne and I'm reminded of so many memories. I feel him start walking and I hear the door to the room open and shut. An elevator dings and the doors open. I open my eyes for a second to see that we're on the elevator. I look in the mirror that's on the wall and see that I look really good for just having a baby. The elevator doors open and two people get on. They are old and nice looking.

"Where are you two going so early?" The old man asks.

"I'm taking her to breakfast so she can wake up." Brody says and I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The lady asks

"We just got engaged last night." He says.

"Why are you here? I hope everything's alright." The man says.

"We just had a baby actually, so everything is more than alright." Brody says.

"Congratulations. Is that why you got engaged?" The lady asks

"No. I asked her to marry me because I love her more than the world and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. And while Reagan, our baby, is going to be loved by us very much, she did nothing to influence my decision to ask my beautiful girlfriend, now fiancé, to marry me." He says.

"Some teenagers make teen pregnancy seem so horrible, and while I agree that being older is better when it comes to having children, it's people like you that make me ok with it. You made my day with that statement and your fiancé and baby are very lucky to have you." The lady said. The elevator doors opened and another person got on. It was a boy, probably 13 or 14. I was now pretty awake and I would have walked, but Brody didn't get my shoes.

"Why is he carrying you?" The boy asked

"Because she just had a baby and she deserves much more than being carried by me." Brody answered for me. I smiled at him and shifted in his arms.

"Where is your baby?" The boy asked

"She's in our room with her uncles and grandparents." I said. Suddenly the elevator screeched and stopped. One of the lights shattered, leaving glass on the floor.

"Guess I can't put you down now. It's a good thing you aren't heavy." Brody said to me.

"I'll call someone." The old man said and grabbed the emergency phone off the wall. A voice from the other end of the phone said they would send someone to see what was wrong. They also said to hit the open doors button to see if we were in between floors. The kid hit the open doors button and we saw that half of the next floor was visible. The man on the phone told us to climb through the opening. We got the kid out first and then Brody put me down where there was no glass and helped the old couple out. He pushed me out and then I reached down my hands and helped him up.

Just as a precaution, all elevators were said to be out of order. We were at the ground floor so Brody carried me to the cafeteria. We got a fruit cup and juice and oatmeal and sat down. After we were finished eating, we bought flip flops from the gift store because my old shoes wouldn't fit anymore. The swelling in my feet was all gone. Because we were already there, we went to the sign out desk and filled out the paper work to go home. We had to be gone by 11:30, in 4 hours. We walked over to the stairs and prepared to walk the 12 flights it took to get to our room. Then we started climbing. When we finally got to our room, we were both sweaty and out of breath.

"Did you guys decide to make another baby?" Lincoln asked.

"No, we got trapped in an elevator and then climbed 12 flights of stairs." I growled at him.

"Oh." Was all he said. Me and Brody walked over to Reagan who was throwing a huge fit. Her face was red and everything. I picked her up and she stopped crying.

"What happened?" Brody asked

"When she woke up she was crying and she wouldn't stop no matter what we did. How did you get her to stop?" Asked James. Everyone looked shocked.

"I picked her up..." I said, a little bit confused. I wiped her little tears and held her hand. Her face slowly turned its usual pinkish color. Once I was sure she was ok, I handed her to Brody. "I have to take a shower." I said as I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and smiled when I heard Brody getting scolded by Michelle for proposing to me without her. When I was done in the shower I brushed my teeth and got dressed in a pair of maroon sweatpants and a tank top. I also put on a zip up gray jacket over my shirt but left it unzipped. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh you're so skinny again Brooke." Michelle gasped.

"Not really. All my clothes are still to tight." I sighed and looked at my stomach.

"What size pants are you wearing right now?" She asked

"I think 2." I said.

"I wear a 4. Are you calling me fat?" Michelle asked

"No, but you're at least 6 inches taller than me so you would look weird if you were any skinnier." I explained.

"Um guys, I wear a 32 waist. I'm really fat." Conner said. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

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