Chapter 1

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"There is a new student!" Stacy walked up to me. It is very rare that we get a new student in any grade besides freshman. "I hope he's cute!." She squealed as I chuckled.

"I feel you." I laughed shut my locker. "I'll see you after school Stac!"
"Peace!" She did duck lips and walked off.


"Oh my God, he's a emo freak, like you wouldn't even like him! He has long black hair and just OMG!"
"Hmmm he seems interesting... Maybe he won't bore me like everyone else..." I shrugged and shut my locker.

"Ha funny! Wait till you see him!" The bell ran. "Well I'll see you later! Love ya!" She skipped off. Hmmmm I wonder what he's like...

I sat in my usual seat in the back corner and kept my head down. Everyone filled in the seats around me, but someome new sat next to me. I looked up and saw the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life. He had raven black hair, hazel eyes and this cute little smile.
"H-hello." He stuttered. "Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Of course not." I flashed a smile. "I'd rather have you than the jerks in here..." He just awkwardly opened his mouth to speak but shut it.
"I'm Gerard."
"I'm Sheilah."
"What a beautiful name." He smiled.
"Alright class!!" The teacher called as she walked into the room. We all shifted up and sat in silence.

As class pressed on I couldn't help but start staring at Gerard. He was so.... Cute? No, that's a understatement. He's hot. I got snapped out of my thoughts at him chucking at me. I blinked a few times and quickly looked away.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"It's okay." I heard the smirk in his voice. I felt my cheeks heat up more than they already were.

-Time Skip-

The bell rung. Thank God it was my last class.
"Hey um Sheilah...?"'Gerard looked at me.
"Yeah?" I asked packing up my stuff.
"Do you want to go get some coffee with me?"
"Yeah! I just got to tell my brothers and my psycho friend where I'm going or I'll have one hell of a night coming." I laughed and so did he. We both stood up and walked out.
"DENALLIIIII" I called like a whale. Half of the hallway looked at me weirdly she called the same way.
"SHEILAHHHHHHH." We both laughed. "Who's this?" She eyed Gerard who was now standing behind me.
"This is Gerard. Gerard Denali, Denali Gerard."
"Hi." They said at the same time.
"Well I'm heading off so see ya mama!"
"Bye child!" I turned around and walked off with Gerard.
"I think your a psychopath too... It's not just her."
"Pretty accurate." I laughed and spotted Cody, my oldest brother. "MY CODY!" I jumped onto his back. "I'm going out."
"On a date?" He slid his arms under my knees.
"With who?"
"A friend of mine?"
"I actually don't know... But that's whole purpose, to get to know each other. Hey Tes! Sorry didn't notice us there."
"Hi Sheilah." My brothers girlfriend laughed.
"You're not going."
"Why not?!"
"Your to young!"
"Cody let her go."' Tessa gave us a soft smile and Cody sighed with defeat.
"Alright. Just remember if he--"
"Breaks my heart you and Jake will break him ya ya ya I remember!" He moved his hands and I landed on the floor.
"Thanks Tes!" I turned around and faced Gerard..
"Well I'm ready." I smiled.
"So this is a date?" He smiled.
"We'll do you want it to be?"
"Then it's a date!" I laughed and so did he. We started to walk and my hand grazed over his. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. He took my hand in his. Oh God. Stay calm! I intertwined our fingers as we walked down the halls. He and I were getting glares overload but we didn't care.

*Time skip*

"And I'll have a coffee, black."
"And I'll have a java chip frappe." I smiled. I took out my wallet but got stopped by Gerard.
"It's okay I've got it." He smiled.
"Gerard it's fine."
"No, it's on me." He handed the waitress the money. She took it and rang it up.
"Alright, I should have those out soon." She smiled and got to work. He and I walked over to the end of the counter.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Your welcome." He smiled back. The lady pushed our drinks out. We grabbed them and say in a two person booth.
"I'll have you know.... Getting me coffee isn't the best idea." I chuckled a took a sip.
"Why? Does it make you sleepy?"
"No. Really really really hyper." I giggled.
"Oh fun." He playfully rolled his eyes.
"Once you get know me you'll know what makes me hyper." I laughed. "O o lets play 20 questions!!"
"Okay." He smiled. "I'll go first... Favorite band?"
"Me too. Or Iron Maiden."
"Yeah their pretty good too." I smiled. "Favorite color?" I took another sip of my drink.
"Black." He smiled. "You?"
"I snowboard, play sports and I play guitar. "So what are some of your hobbies?"
"I write music, I sing, I play croquet and I'm in a band."
"OoOooooh what's it called?"
"My chemical romance."
"I actually think I've heard of you guys!"
"Really?" He raised a eyebrow.
"Yeah! You sing honey this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us right?"
"Yeah that's us!"
"I love that song! And demolition lovers!"
"Thank you." He smiled.
"O O O CAN I BE YOUR MERCH GIRL SO I HAVE A EXCUSE TO WEAR YOUR GUYS STUFF!!" He bursted out laughing at my hyperness.
"Sure, why not." He smiled.
We contuined to talk and talk and talk. I looked at the clock and it was 10:00.
"Oh wow, Gee I gott go!" He looked at the clock.
"Shit me too." We threw our cups away and sprinted to his car. He took me home.
"Good night Sheilah." He smiled.
"Good night Gerard." I smiled back. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I got out of the car and ran behind the house.

{Gerard's POV}

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She smiled and slammed the door shut and ran into the darkness. I drive home listening to Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana. I couldn't get her out of my head. I parked my car and walked inside. I changed into sweat pants and a tee shirt and laid down. I had my hands behind my head and was staring up at the ceiling. That smile, it's going to drive me insane. Can't wait to see her tomorrow.
With that I drifted to sleep.



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