Chapter 2

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"What the hell happened yesterday?!" Stacy was scolding me at my locker.
"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.
"You and the new emo kid! You were holding hands!"
"Yeah.... And?"
"Wha- how? I mean come on! There's so many guys and you choose him!"
"Well yeah..." I sighed and leaned against my locker as if I'm in a dream state. "He's sweet, kind, caring, has a good taste in music, and not to mention he's fricken hot!" I snapped out and smiled at her. She had a horrified look on her face.
"What about Trevor?" She whispered.
"Screw Trevor, I prefer Gerard, and yes the new kids name is Gerard." I lifted up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder.
"Sheilah, how could you give up the districts best wide receiver for some emo kid."
"Who's in a band!"
"Oh yeah, what's it called?"
"My Chemical Romance."
"Sounds stupid."
"I wouldn't judge before you actually heard something by them. Gerard has a really pretty voice."
"You are a lost cause I swear, and Jake and Cody like Trevor!"
"And I'll bet they'll like Gerard too."
She huffed.
"So yesterday, what did you guys actually do?" She smirked and leaned up against my neighboring locker.
"No, we didn't do that you sicko! He just took me to Starbucks and we got to know each other." I smiled at the memory.
"Sheilah!" Stacey was snapping her fingers in front of my face.
"I'm sorry what?" I snapped back into reality. She nodded her head behind me. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.
"Hi Gee!" I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.
"Hi Shesh!" We both pulled back from the hug. Stacey had a look of hatred on her face but it instantly changed as we looked at her.
"Gerard Stacey, Stacey Gerard." I smiled. He held out his hand to shake and she took it.
"Hi." They said at the same time. The bell rung.
"I'll see you later Stacey!"
"Ttyl!!" She smiled and skipped off.
"So how was your morning?" He asked. I shrugged and sighed.
"It could have been better. How was yours?"
"Boring." He shrugged. "What was wrong with yours?"
The bell rung.
"We have courtyard studying so I'll tell you there." I smiled as we began to walk into the mosh of people swarming the hallways. We pushed our way into the biology room and took our seats in the back corner.
"Class! Today we are courtyard studying so grab your partner and you book and head out to courtyard #1!" The whole class nodded and scurried to find their partner.
"Well we're partners." I smiled and nudged him.
"Well yeah." He smiled and grabbed his book. We both stood up, grabbed our book and headed out to the courtyard.

"So what happened this morning?" Gerard leaned back against the tree as I sat down across from him.
"People won't leave me alone. They all expect to make my choices for me and when I try and run my own life they pester me about it!" I sighed. "So today when I was at my locker Stacey came up to me and was like, what the hell are you doing?"
"Wait was this because you went out with me?"
"Yeah.... But it's not your fault at all if that's what you think."
"Why do they make such a big deal about it?"
"Everyone wants me to date this guy named Trevor, he's the districts best wide receiver, they call him and my brothers the unstoppable trio, and I don't like him at all. I know he wants to date me, but he just hurts me all the time."
"What do you mean he hurts you?" Gerard took my hand in his, he had concern written all over his face.
"He calls me worthless at least two times a week, he makes fun of my weight, my ezama, well just everything about me. When he sees me happy he won't stop till I'm not anymore then he puts on this nice guy mask and asks what's wrong then when I ignore him I get hated on." Tears startled spilling from my eyes.
"No no no don't cry." He spoke softly and wiped them away with his hand. "Come here." He pulled me to him and smiled. I dropped my legs over his lap and laid my head against his shoulder.
"Thank you Gee."
"You know I would never do that to you right?" He brushed the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.
"Yes." I smiled.
"Mr. Way and Miss Utley. Are you finished?"
"We're pretty close, we're just discussing now."
"Alright tell me the equation for a chi-square."
"X squared equals sum observed minus expectation squared over expected."
"Very good, continue." She smiled and walked off.
"How did you know that?"
"I was in Pre AP biology freshman year."
"What did you take as a sophomore?"
"Pre AP chemistry, Sports medicine and oceanography."
"Wow, so you really love science?"
"Yep." I smiled. "This year I'm in AP chemistry, astronomy and AP biology."
"So smart." He ruffled my hair.
"Hey! It took me 30 seconds to do that!" I laughed and straightened it out. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
"We should hang out again!" I started messing with his black hair.
"Tonight or...?"
"Tonight. You can come over to my house if you'd like."
"Sure!" He smiled. The bell rung as we both sighed.
"Meet me at my house around 8ish, I have chores to do and stuff." He laughed
"Alright." He smiled
I got off of him and stood up, I offered him my hand and he took it.
"And, uh, thank you for making me feel better." I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"No problem, if he ever gives you any crap I'll help you out." He smiled and picked up our books and handed mine to me.
"Thank you." He smiled and nodded. We walked back into the school overpopulated with teenagers.
"I'll see you tonight." I hugged him. He hugged me back then we separated and headed off to our rides.

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