Hh part 2

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My eyes fluttered open to find myself alone and fully dressed. Was that just a dream? Weird... I went and got up and my legs collapsed. Nope not a dream. I stood up again and was sore. Ugh this sucks. Gee wasn't in the room, weird.... I hobbled over to the door and opened it only to be slapped in the face with the sent of food. I tried to hurry down the stairs, but ended up laying on my back and sliding down them. I stood up and did my best to walk but it hurt and I felt like I was just going to collapse. I made it to the kitchen and collapsed on a chair.
"You okay?" Gerard turned around to face me.
"Yeah... I just can't walk." He busted out laughing. "Thanks asshole." I pouted in my chair. He walks over to me, and leaned down and kissed me. My ideal reaction is to kiss back. The kiss lasted a good 3 seconds before he pulled back.
"I'm sorry." He smiled down at me.
"No your not. And either way. Ha Way, anyways you're forgiven." He laughed.
"You have to admit it was fun."
He winked and went back to cooking.
"Yeah it was." I blushed and looked down.
"You were like a pro at it."
"How do you know what a pro is like if you've never done it?" He laughed.
"Frank is my best friend, I'm gonna know these things." He laughed and walked over with a plate of food. "Here you go." He smiled and placed it in front of me and say next to me.
"How come you made this? I'm grateful don't get me wrong." I drowned all my food in syrup like normal.
"I made you not be able to walk." He smirked and chuckled "This is the least I could do." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.
"Hey guys." Frank walked out.
"Hey Frankie." Gee and I said at the same time.
"The next time you guys do that can you keep it down? I've been trying to sleep!" Frank threw his arms in the air. Gerard and I both blushed crimson red.
"Wait how did you get in my house?"
"By me do you mean Ray and Mikey too?" Ray and Mikey walked out. I pushed my food away and started banging my head against the table.
"Babe stop." I contuined against banging my head.
"Sheilah." He grabbed my shoulders and held them back. I sighed.
"Anyways... How did you all get into my house."
"Sheilah we know you leave the back door open in case Spider-Man comes." Ray laughed.
"You guys know me too well. It's scary."
"What friends are for." MIKEY laughed. "So what were you guys even doing? Frank wouldn't tell me."
"It was nothing Mikey." Gerard sighed.
"It didn't sound like nothing."
"Shut up Frank." Gerard and I both snapped. He held up his hands.
"Hey Sheilah can you grab me something from the kitchen?"
"No." I sat up in my chair
"Why not?" Franks pushing my buttons and I can tell Gerard's getting irritated.
"No particular reason. You have two legs that can walk. Use them." I started eating.
"So do you... Wait." He smirked.
"Frank can you leave her alone." Gerard snapped. Frank busted out laughing and walked to the kitchen.
"Still lost." Mikey walked into the living room along with Ray.

We finished our food and Gerard put the plates in the sink.
"Thank you." I smiled and stood up. I tried to take a step but it hurt too bad.
"Here." He walked over and picked me up bridal style. He walked us into the living room where Frank, Mikey and Ray were all at. Gerard laid down with me on top of him. My head was on his chest. He started running his fingers up and down my spine. It was very relaxing. My eyes fluttered shut and the next think I knew I was asleep.

{Gerard's POV}

I laid down on the couch and placed her on top of me. I felt her heartbeat against my chest, it is soothing, competing actually. I started tracing her spine with my fingers and it slowly relaxed her. Soon her breathing became steady and she was asleep. Mikey was already asleep on the other couch. Ray is watching Tv and talking to Frank. I moved her hair out of her face and leaned forward and kissed her head. Her lips tugged at the corners but dropped as soon as they came. I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep as well.

{Sheilah POV}

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of someone clearing their throat. My older brothers stood there with their arms crossed.
"Hi guys." I smiled.
"Why are a bunch of guys over here and why are you laying on top of him?"
"They came over because their my friends and he's my boyfriend so I can."
"Does dad know about this?" Jake questioned.
"He knows Gerards over, but i don't know about them."
"Sheilah...." Cody sighed. "We need to talk to you about something."
"I swear to God if it's a bout Trevor..."
"But Sheilah."
"No Cody! Okay, listen to me and don't say anything till I'm done. Would you rather me date someone that only looks at me with lust? Trevor does that but Gerard doesn't. Would you want my boyfriend to call me sexy and hot or beautiful and pretty? And remember homecoming last year? Did you even know the reason I was crying?!" They shook their heads no. "He was making fun of me! My eczema and my weight! Also would you like my boyfriend to constantly ask me to have sex with him and when I say no get angry and lash out on me? Trevor treats me like I'm a good for nothing sex doll that he can keep trying to get with, which is NEVER going to happen. Gerard actually treats me like I'm worth something! I've been told by mom that she thinks he spoils me like a freaking princess! Mom likes Gerard a hell of a lot more then Trevor and Dads kind of spilled some hints that he likes Gee more too! So would you rather have me dating Gee or Trevor?"
"Gerards now clear with me." Jake smiled and left. Cody sighed.
"Me too." Cody left. I sighed with relief and smiled as Gerards arms tightened around me crushing him against his chest in a hug.
Mikey, Frank and Ray all looked at us.
"Wow." They said at the time.
"Was all of that true?" Gerard sat up and I moved my legs so I could still lay against his chest.
"Every word of it... Even the spoiled part." I laughed.
"And that means Trevor asks you for sex?" Frank questioned.
"Not anymore since I've been dating Gerard. But I don't think words can describe how happy I am that he came because I don't know how much longer if would have took for me to be forced into something I didn't want to do." Gerard squeezed me reassuringly.
"If he ever asks you that again or tries anything on you I swear to God I will kick his ass to no avail."
"Thanks Gee." I kissed his cheek.
"And what do you mean he made fun of you and your weight? Sheilah we can see your spine and your ribs threw that tank top!" Ray exclaimed.
"He wanted me to be 90 pounds or less and I'm not going under 119. And with that I can't help it, my food doesn't go to my arms or my stomach or my thighs. Because of my genetics and being African.... It goes to my butt." They all laughed but Gee, he kissed my cheek and smirked.
"I don't mind." I smiled and lightly hit his chest with the back of my hand.
"And I can't help but spoil you like a princess because you are my princess." Gerard smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"AwwwwWwww." The innocent bystanders cooed.

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