Chapter Two

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My brother invited me to ComicCon last week and I've been anticipating the day since I'd been invited. It was practically all I talked about. I couldn't even sleep that night. I probably only slept an hour! I put an alarm for 3am so I could record at least a little bit before I had to leave. I'd jumped out of bed and threw on one of my shirts and i didn't wear pants until I was done recording and it was time to go. Before I was about to walk out of my apartment I had gotten a call on my iPhone from my brother. "Hello?"
"Hey are you awake yet?"
"Since 3am."
"I was just making sure." 
"I'm actually walking out the door right now."
"Okay then I'll see you there. One last thing. Do you have the directions."
"Really Thomas. Do you think I'm just going to leave the house and not know where to go?"
"Okay Mark, okay. I'll see you there."
"See you there Thomas." And then I ended the call and walked out the door to my car and drove off to ComicCon.

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