Chapter Four

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Your POV

I just stood there staring at him with a huge smile plastered on my face. And I think I sorta freaked him out a little bit. I nodded and he took him with me! I was with him the entire convention. I couldn't stop smiling. I was sooooooo happy. I don't think anything else could have made me happier. "Hey," Mark asked me, "what's your name? It's kinda important to know if I'm going to adopt you." I look at him shyly and smile "(y/n)."

"That's a beautiful name. Just like you." And he hugged me. At that moment. I was probably the happiest girl, in the world.

Mark's POV

I had a great time with (y/n) at ComicCon. It was the best thing in the world. Tom even seemed to like her. This can not get bad at all. Not even near the brink of terrible. It is to wonderful for it to go wrong. And then fire alarms go off and we are on the complete opposite side of the building to where we need to be to evacuate. Guess I spoke to soon.

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