No One Can Understand

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{Chapter 25}

~2 Weeks Later~

"Sierra are you really letting them leave me tied up to this tree?" Liam asked struggling to removed the cold metal off of his body.
I looked over were Scott sat on Stiles' jeep and Stiles stood leaning against it.

I wish I could say I was excited to go back to school but, I wasn't. During this summer Liam, Mason, and I have grown closer. Liam means a lot to me maybe more than a friend but, i'm not exactly sure if he'd want to be more than friends.

"I cared for a few seconds" I respond truthfully "then I got distracted by the thought that if you lose control, you could probably rip my face off so I stopped caring. This is for the best and you know it"

I looked up at the moon observing it. It illuminated the tenebrous, starless sky. I let my eyes linger on the full moon for a little longer before my gaze landed back on the werewolf in front of me.

"YES!" Liam shouted which caused me to frown and tilt my head in confusion. I followed his gaze and it landed on Scott and Stiles who were making their way towards us. Of course he's eavesdropping on Scott and Stiles' conversation.

"Hey!" Stiles' voice rang through my ears before I felt his presence right beside me. "We're trying to have an adult conversation here" he finished as he spastic-ally moved his hands around as he spoke.
I rolled my eyes at Stiles' words. He is not that much older than us.

"You're not that much older than me get over yourself" Liam groaned annoyed and looked at Scott saying, "I'm fine. Just let me go. Please trust me"

"It's not that we don't trust yo-" Scott started.

"I don't trust you" Stiles spoke up nonchalantly interrupting Scott.

"And after that full moon...." Scott added on slowly trailing off. I knew exactly what Scott was talking about. I don't think I will ever forget. Hell, I couldn't forget.

"It won't happen again..." Liam said sheepishly "it was one slip up" He argued.

"Slip up?!?" I inquired.

"A dozen calls to my dad about a 'monstrous dog boy' running around the streets of Beacon hills naked!" Stiles added Liam's cheeks heated up slightly. Scott's eyebrow rose in confusion.

"why were you naked?" Scott asked Liam confused.

"It was really hot out that night, okay?" Liam sheepishly admitted. It was clear that he was embarrassed "please let me go it wont happen again" He promised.

"Guys just let him go" I stated as Liam had an innocent puppy look.

"You sure your okay?" Scott asked Liam.

"I have faith in him. I'll make sure he's in control" I said looking over at Scott. Scott made his way over to the tree with a sigh starting to pull the chains off.

"There's like a 30% chance he's going to lose control and we're all going to die" I whispered to Stiles.

Stiles sighed "That's great!" Sarcasm evident in his voice, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Ashley and I still talk even though mom kicked her out and she lives with Derek now. We find time to talk since we're closer than I usually am with Katie. Ashley told me about what happened between her and Stiles. I disagreed with most of it because she's with Derek. I know it happened before she was pregnant but, that doesn't change a thing.

After Scott took the chains off of Liam, he and I were stuck in the back seat of Stiles' Jeep while Stiles drove and Scott sat in the passenger seat.

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