The Mistake

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^^Picture of Scott & Stiles^^

{Chapter 6}

"First of all, who the hell is Matt, why the fuck would I sleep with him if I don't even know him?, and why does everyone think I slept with him?!" I asked starting to tear up. Who would make up some crap like that?

"That's Matt" she said pointing at a boy with shaggy brown hair. Scott walked over to him and slammed him into the lockers.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted at Matt. "You can't go around telling people you had sex with a girl who doesn't even know who you are!" He growled out.

All of a sudden the halls became quiet except for me crying into Allison's shoulder while I watched Scott yell at Matt some more.

"You son of a -" Matt was cut off by the doors at the end of the hallway and Isaac busted in through them.

"Scott whats going on?" Isaac asked him.

"Matt here decided to tell the whole entire school that he slept with Ashley. She doesn't even know him" Isaac looked at me for confirmation and I nodded my head.

He joined Scott, pinning Matt against the lockers.

"McCall! Lahey! Daehler! What is the meaning for this?!" The principle asked, storming into the hallway.

"Ask Ashley" Matt chocked out as Scott and Isaac let him go.

"Jacobson! All four of you. My office. Now" he said and walked towards his office.

"Good luck" Allison and Stiles said as I walked between Scott and Isaac to the principles office, on my second day of school. Just Great.

When we got in there my heart started pounding. I hated going to the principles office more then anything. Okay not literally but, you get my point.

"Have a seat you four" he said pointing to the chairs in front of his desk. I shakily sat down in between Isaac and Scott. Matt sat at the opposite end of Scott.

"So what happened?" The principal asked. I wasn't sure what his name was so I decided to call him Mr. DickFace.

"Well Matt here decided to spread a rumor that Ashley slept with him. She's never even seen him in her life." Scott said.

"Is this true Mr. Daehler?" The principal asked.

"Yeah" He said shyly. His thoughts were so disgusting. I can't believe I didn't think of reading his mind before. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Boys, why were you trying to beat up Matt?" He asked.

"Ashley is like our sister. We protect her from anything and everything" Isaac said.

"Yeah she's part of our pa- I mean friend group," Scott said.

'Nice save' I thought sarcastically.

"Alright, you three can go to class. Mr. Daehler and I are going to have a little chat about this" I glanced at Matt and he winked at me as we left sending chills down my spine.


School passed rather quickly. It was now last period. The period I had with Isaac. We had to talk about the kiss. I wasn't sure if I should tell Derek or not.

My heart started racing as I walked into the classroom. The only seat available was the one next to Isaac. On his other side was Scott and Stiles. No Lydia today.

When I sat down Scott instantly asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" I told him. He shrugged it off.

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