Chapter 16: It's Complicated

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Back in her hotel room Gabby tried dialing Keith back, but he didn’t answer. She changed into a baggy t-shirt and ordered room service planning to spend the rest of the night thinking about herself and what she’d done.

After what had happened with Laurent she felt like the worst person in the world. Her heart ached. She lay in bed wondering what he was doing at that very moment. A part of her wanted to call him and apologize for running out and tell him the truth. But what would be the point?

In three days she’d be returning to her life in Atlanta and he’d forget all about her. It was probably better that way.

Sad and confused, she finally dozed off after midnight watching some French movie in black and white with subtitles.

When the phone woke her up she thought it was Keith. Instead, it was Patrick.

“Do you have any idea what time it is here?” Her voice was heavy with sleep.

“I know it’s late for you, but this couldn’t wait.”

“What couldn’t wait?”

“Who’s the best friend-boss in the world?”

“Uh…you are?”

“Co-rrect! And I do believe I have outdone myself this time.”

Patrick dragged out telling his good news in true drama queen style.

Gabby sighed drowsily. “I’m too tired for this so spit it out already. What?”

“Well, BET did a documentary on Les Twins but they never released it in the states. Soooo…I had lunch with Cathy Hughes over at TVOne today and pitched the idea to her and BOOM! She wants to film another one and air it here.”

“Are you serious?!!!!” Gabby sat straight up in bed.

“But the best part is—are you listening? They want you to co-direct it.”

“Huh?” Her happiness quickly turned to shock.

“I showed her people the first draft of your article. They loved it and they want to base the filming around it. Plus you already have a rapport with the twins. And you’re already in Paris. It just makes sense.”

“No, it doesn’t. I’ve never directed anything before in my life.”

“So it’s a first time for everything, hun. Anyway…maybe I already said you’d do it.”

He rushed the last part running his words together.

“Why would you do something like that without talking to me first, Patrick? That’s not how we operate. What is this?”

“You wanna know what this is? It’s called GROWTH. You’re brilliant but you’re always holding back. This is your chance, sweetie. You need to seize it.”

“I really don’t know what to say.”

“I thought you’d be excited about this.”

“It’s just a lot to take in.”

Gabby got off the phone with Patrick feeling overwhelmed. Things had just gotten a lot more complicated.

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