Chapter Eight - Hostage

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Ok sorry I didn't update in a while. Oh yeah and...
The plot is mine, though.

*Hermione's POV*

I woke up to green light filtering through some green Slytherin curtains.
Wait, what?
I tried to sit up. That's when I noticed the strong, pale arm wrapped around my waist. Again, I tried to sit up. The arm just pulled me closer to the porcelain chest that belonged to Draco Malfoy.
As I was stuck in his death grip, it all came back to me.
The fight, the door opening, and then blackness.
And now I was in his bedroom on his bed with him wearing nothing but boxers.
I processed that thought for a moment before I tried to get out of his strong grip on me.
I felt him wake up. I struggled even harder against his grip.
He laughed.
Urgh, the nerve of some people.
"What's wrong, Granger, you scared?"
"No, I just think I'll be late for classes if I don't get out of your filthy hands!" I replied trying to pry his arm off of me.
As soon as I said that he stiffened and let go of me. He sat up and got out of the bed.
" if anyone's hands are filthy, they're yours Mudblood." He said spitting the words at me with an icy glare.
I got out of his bed, disgusted.
"I thought blood doesn't matter anymore, Malfoy." I said annoyed.
He just glared at me and when he was finished getting dressed in the bathroom he stormed out of the room. There was an audible click as the door closed behind him.
I ran to the door and my suspicions were confirmed.
It was locked. I reached for my wand but it wasn't there.
"F**k you, Malfoy!" I screamed, banging on the door. Eventually, I went back to the bed and lay down. I cried a little and then I fell into a troubled sleep filled with Malfoy.
I woke up to a click as the door was unlocked.
I sat up and saw who came in. It was Malfoy.
He walked over to me and grabbed my waist. He then carried me to the wall and held me against it.
"We are going to finish what we started," he said in a husky whisper.
I reached for my wand. He saw this and chuckled darkly at me.
"It's long gone, Granger."
And then he pushed his body up against mine and kissed me. It was a kiss of possession and want.
I tried to squirm out of his grasp.
He just pushed me against the wall harder.
"Oww, Malfoy, you're hurting me!" I said when we stopped for air.
"Deal with it." He said, but he loosened up enough so that I was able to reach behind him and grab his wand. He was still kissing me so he didn't realize I had his wand pointed at his back. We broke away for a second and I yelled,
He crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
I stepped over him and ran into my room, packed a few things, and then yelled,
"Accio wand!" It came whizzing through the air and stopped to rest in my open palm. I threw Malfoy's wand into the toilet. I heard a grunt coming from his room. I ran downstairs and the last thing I heard before the door closed behind me was,

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