Chapter 22

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~Previously in Veronica Aka Zayn Malik~

"Why exactly are you here?" I spoke up after an awkward silence.

"We need to talk."

"What happening to clearing our heads?"

"It wasn't working for me. I need to be with you."

I was shocked that he said those words. And when I didn't say anything his face became red, he was clearly suprised and embarrassed that those words came out of his mouth.

"You.. You need to be with me?"

"Zayn... I... I think I'm in love with you."


***Zayn's P.O.V***

"You think you're what...."

"I think I'm in love with you Zayn.."

"Wait what?" I questioned him again, my mind still wasn't able to wrap around the concept of the man I so desperately wanted to hear those words from actually saying them. Well I mean kinda saying them in some way shape or form of the words.

"I'm not repeating myself again Zayn." Harry nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his head like he always did when he was nervous or uncomfortable.

I was completely and utterly speechless. Like literally no words came to mind that would've been appropriate for the situation.

"It'd kinda be nice if you could say something right now Zayn." He furrowed his eyebrows together, intently watching me, waiting for some sort of response.

"I um I um I I I don't know what to say." I spoke barley loud enough for him to hear.

"Zayn I know this isn't what you were expecting to happen but I love you, I'm in love with you, not Veronica, I'm in love with you Zayn Malik."

"Why did you sleep with Perrie?" Was the only thing I could manage to say without stuttering. "I've been wondering since I found out Haz."

Now it was Harry's turn to be speechless.

***Harry's P.O.V***

Well I didn't expect him to ask that question, of all the questions he could've asked why that one?

"I was drunk Zayn, I didn't know what I was doing.. We were both drunk and she was mad that you left without her."

"I went to see my fucking dying grandmother! How could she be mad about that!" Zayn yelled frustrated.

"Perrie is a straight up bitch Zayn." I spoke, brutally honest.

"At least we can agree on that." Zayn chuckled.

I slowly made my way across the room and sat down beside him on his bed.

"Zayn?" I asked, cautiously thinking of my next words.

"Yes Harry?"

"What are we suppose to do now?" I tilted my head just enough so I could see the side of his face out of the corner of my eye.

He rubbed his whiskers with his right hand like he always does when he's thinking.

"You know what Harry I honestly have no idea." He turned to face me, "but we can start with this."

He leaned in and ever so softly his lips met mine, this was my first time kissing a guy, you know at least the first time I knew it was a guy.

I pulled away. "I've never done this before Zayn."

"What? Kissed someone? Sure you have!" He laughed.

"Of course I've kissed someone! I meant I've never kissed a guy before." I motioned back and forth between the two of us.

"Neither have I Harry."

And then his lips crashed into mine, except this kiss wasn't slow and soft it was rough and passionate. His hands ran up and down my back, I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him as close to me as humanly possible.

I'd never kissed someone like this before. Never had so much passion and so much love fueling a kiss. Never been so into a kiss that I didn't realize someone had walked into the room.

"Hey Zayn I couldn't sleep so, woah what's happening in here!" Niall exclaimed walking into the room with a smirk on his face.

Zayn and I jumped apart as fast as we could but Niall had already see enough to know what was happening.

"Niall we can explain!" Zayn hoped up, his face slowing turning a deep shade of red.


So there's your update! Hope you guys liked it sorry it's short.

I'm on a weekend getaway right now so I didn't have a ton of time to update, but I'm going to try very hard to update more frequently now.

Love you guys!

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