Chapter 11

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**Louis's P.O.V**

"So Harry? How was your visit with you mum?" I asked when we were all seated at the booth.

"It was good I wasn't there for to long." He looked up at me, his eyes telling me not to bring this up.

"Why'd you go to your mums?" Niall asked looking up from his menu.

"Oh um um homesick?" Harry answered but it comes out as more of a question. None of the boys noticed his discomfort and went back to ordering.


We'd just finished eating and Harry hadn't stopped texting on his phone the whole time. Let's hope he's texting Veronica.

"Well boy's I've got to go." Harry said standing up the smirk never leaving his face.

"Where ya going?" I asked smirking at him. His expression changed, he cocked his head to the side wondering if I was onto him.

"Meeting a friend." He replied before rushing out of the restaurant.

"Well that was strange." Liam said as the door closed behind Harry. We all nodded in agreement.

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Zayn.

L: You going on a date with Harry? ;)

Z: Ugh yes. And I have nothing to wear.

L: Your sounding more and more like a girl every minute. :P

Z: Shutup.

L: Have fun on your date. Don't let him in your pants. He'll be a little surprised when he finds a dick.

Z: Wasn't planning on it. Veronica's not that type of girl.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket. The other boys were arguing over something.

"Liammmmmm. Let me order more food." Niall whined.

"No you already practically ate all the food in the restaurant." Liam told him.

Niall folded his arms across his chest and pouted. That boy and his food.

"Liam do you mind giving me a ride? Back to Zayn's place." I asked. He nodded and stood motioning for me to follow him.

We said good bye to Niall and Liam drove me to Zayn's. I thanked him and ran up to Zayn's door. I didn't bother knocking instead I just walked in.

**Zayn's P.O.V**

"I'm hommmmmmmme." Someone who I'm pretty sure was Louis yelled. I chuckled and told him to come help me.

"What do you need help with?" He asked his slender body leaning against the door frame.

"Picking out and outfit." I told him shyly. Louis was the only one of us boys with fashion sense when it came to girls. He nodded and went to the big bag of clothes the company had sent.

"Put this on." He tossed the clothes at me and shoved me into the bathroom.

I held up the clothes and gasped. "You expect me to wear this?" I yelled through the door.

"Just put it on." He yelled back.

"Fine." I sighed and wriggled myself into the skimpy outfit. He'd picked out a pair of ripped jean shorts and a cropped muscle tee. With a black leather jacket.

It wasn't to skimpy. I just wasn't sure about the crop top. I didn't exactly have a girls body. I was skinny but I had some ab definition. Let's hope Harry likes that.

When I had the outfit on I opened the door to find Louis sitting on the end of my bed.

"See it's not that bad." He said when he saw me. "Now put these on." He tossed a pair of black converse at me. I nodded and sat down to lace them up.

"There." I stood up from the bed looking in the mirror. I hadn't taken the wig or makeup. So I still looked like a girl. But the makeup had faded.

"Let's redo your makeup now." He said leading me to the bathroom. I leaned against the counter as he redid my makeup.

"Done." He informed me. How Louis is so good at doing hair and makeup I'll never know.

"Thanks Lou." He nodded in acknowledgement. "I gotta go meet Harry now." I told him.

"Have fun. But not to much fun." He said as we walked to the door.

"Whatever." I mumbled I grabbed my purse and opened the door.

"See ya." Louis said waving and walking off down the hall.

I sighed and walked after him.

Louis smiled evilly as he closed the elevator doors right as I reached them.

"Ugh. Louuu." I yelled but he was already gone.

"Hey beautiful." I spun around at the sound of a deep husky voice behind me. Just my luck it wasn't Harry.

I repeatedly pressed the elevator button, trying to avoid anymore conversation.

I jumped when hands wrapped around my waist.

"What do you say about coming back to my place?" He whispered in my ear.

"I-I'm taken." I managed to stutter out.

"He doesn't have to know." His hands started wandering.

"I-I" Think Zayn think. "I play for the other team" I blurted out. Really that's all you could think of? Telling him I'm a lesbian.

He quickly backed off. "To bad." He muttered before walking back down the hall.

That was a close one.

I'm gonna have to get use to this whole girl thing.


Hope you guys liked it!!!



Byeeeeeeeee ❤️❤️❤️


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