Chapter Four - Lucifer

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Damon's POV

When we finished shopping, we headed home. In the end, not only did we run out of money, we didn't get everything we needed. Well, I did and so did Lucifer, barely. Raven found what she could and only had books missing. However, Lilith barely had a thing. If we had registered for help, Hogwarts would help pay for things. Yet Lucifer refused to let us sign up for help. He said explaining that we had all run away would be hard to explain and could land us in trouble. It was bad enough last year when Lilith was left alone.

When we got home for the Christmas holidays, we found her eating once a day, so the food would last longer. I learned from Raven that Lilith drank tap water instead, to get rid of her hunger. She also slept most of the time as well. We stocked up on long lasting things, like frozen meals for her to eat when we left again. It didn't last the rest of the year and Raven would send food over with a few of the Hogwarts owls whenever she could. We always felt bad leaving Lilith behind at the house last year. This year will be so much better as she won't be left alone in the house, while we are at Hogwarts.

Speaking of the house, I am still surprised that we still have running electricity and water. We didn't use the heating other than to keep ourselves from freezing, especially in colder weather. Lucifer wouldn't even explain how he got the house in the first place. One day he just led us to it from the park and we have called it home since. Lilith showed us the letter she got from Hogwarts awhile ago, and she was clearly concerned about having to meet the headmaster before even starting the school year. Raven tried to reassure her that it was probably because they haven't heard from her parents. Lilith, who had somehow forgotten who her parents were, had said they probably would hear from them.

Lucifer refused to let us get on the bus, however we got on anyway when it arrived. He pretended to walk away, well I thought he was. When the bus arrived, I expected him to run back, but he didn't. He kept walking away, in the opposite direction to home. Picking up the bags he left on the floor, we waited for people to get off the bus. Paying for the tickets, we sat at the back of the near-empty bus. As far as I could tell anyway, they were all muggles, except one. A cloaked individual, in the middle of the bus, by the window. Looking at their lap, I couldn't see who it was we walked past.

Eventually, we travelled as close as we could to home on the bus, before they would end up moving away from it. Hauling the shopping home, we ignored the fact that Lucifer had gone off and focused on getting home. When we finally reached home, we were dragging our feet from exhaustion. Setting the bags down on the floor, I put the key and turned it. Pushing open the brown wooden door, I let Lilith and Raven drag themselves in first. Putting the key back in my trouser pocket, I picked up the bags and walked inside. Turning back to face outside, I looked down the street each way to see if Lucifer had ran back or taken the next bus. Sighing, I went inside and shut the door with my foot.

The next day, after waking up at a reasonable time to eat lunch, I went to check Lucifer's room. Nothing. I thought that maybe he had gotten home by now.

"Where are you Lucifer?" I wondered as I stared at the half-eaten sandwich in front of me.

"You gonna eat that?" Raven asked distracting me from my thought.

"Eh!" was what I managed to reply.

Raven dragged the plate away from me and walked away. I didn't complain, I wasn't going to eat it anyway. I didn't eat the first half either, I found it in the fridge begging to be eaten. I guessed that since Raven could have stayed downstairs to eat it, she went up stairs to share with Lilith.

Lucifer didn't come home till the next week. He arrived with torn clothes, along with a cut on his cheek. After before hounded with questions from Raven, Lucifer simply ignored her and went to his room. Pushing past Lilith, who was coming downstairs after she heard Lucifer was back, he mumbled something before locking himself in his room.

When he finally left his room, I was the only one awake. I was sat in the living room, reading one of the books I got for last year, since I find I never left time to read while I was actually at school.

"Hungry?" I asked him.

Lucifer looked at me, "Not going to ask where I was?"

"Pretty obvious isn't it? They found you again," I replied, "He was on the bus right?"

Lucifer nodded, "Yeah! I, um"

"Couldn't be seen with us? I get it, it seems you still get away free though."

Lucifer opened the fridge and took out the butter, the walked over and put a piece of dry bread they got from the reduced area and popped it in the toaster.

"You would assume right. You didn't tell them did you?" Lucifer asked as he waited for the toast.

I shook my head, "Nah, it is your secret. They will find out who you are soon, it didn't take me long."

Lucifer scowled, "Only because that stupid house elf found me, I should have gotten rid of him before he told my parents."

"Lucifer!" I said, "just because of who your parents are doesn't mean you have to act like them."

"I did live with them most of my life, I can't have their ideas imprinted in my brain," Lucifer said.

I shook my head, "I am starting to think the sorting hat misplaced you. Maybe you should be in Slytherin."

"Hey! I will never belong to that house," Lucifer said angrily.

"Then start acting like the stereotypical Slytherin," I argued back.

"Whatever," Lucifer said.

"Anyway, what did they say to you?" I asked a moment later.

"They wanted to know where I was," he replied.

I was confused, "Don't they already know you are living here with us?"

Lucifer shook my head, "They can't find us here."

I was even more confused, if that was possible, "How?"

"A spell," he said simply.

"What spell," I asked.

Lucifer got out the plate, as the bread finished toasting, "---"

"How would you be able to do that spell?" I asked just as confused as before.

Lucifer spread butter on his toast before putting it away in the fridge, "I didn't, obviously."

"Who then?" I asked.

Lucifer bite into his toast and quickly swallowed it, "I can't tell you, but I trust them with my life."

"And Raven's and Lilith's I presume?" I said.

"Exactly," he replied as he put the plate by the sink and started walking back to his room.

"Why?" I asked even though I knew the answer, I just had to hear it from him.

Lucifer turned and looked at me, "Because if they found me here with you, Raven and Lilith would be killed."

"Not me?" I asked.

"Probably not," he said walking up a few stairs before turning around, "they know who your parents. With Lilith and Raven, they might assume they are muggle-born and kill them."

Soon after Lucifer went to bed, I decided to do the dishes before going to bed as well. Brushing my teeth, I changed into my pyjamas and headed to bed. The time before we went to Hogwarts was getting closer and as much as I couldn't wait, I was also worried. I was worried students, especially Slytherin students would pick on Lilith. Those evil Slytherins pick on people for no reason, yet we are sending Lilith as a live target. She didn't even have her own wand, she would have to borrow one from the lost and found, as well as everything else. I was also annoyed that Raven adopted a cat. Although it hunts and spends most of its time with either Lilith or Raven, I could tell Lilith wanted a pet to call her own. Though she would never call an animal her pet, she says it isn't right, I guess she would object to owning House-elves as well then. As I fell asleep, I thought about how I was going to help improve my family's life for the better and fast. I guess the first thing would be to help Lilith to get a wand. For that I need money and lots of it.

I See You Standing There (a Harry Potter fan-fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz