Chapter Five - Hogwarts Express

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Raven's POV

Things seemed to be normal the next day, well more normal than the previous week when Lucifer was hiding. I dropped asking questions when Damon said to. I was annoyed that I and Lilith was being kept in the dark. I knew Lucifer had secrets and the few he shared with Damon, was kept from me and Lilith. I was currently petting Misty on my bed, as I carefully reading my tattered copy of my second year charms book. I liked getting an earlier start on my books. I always give in to my friends wanting to go do something. I was looking forward to introducing Lilith to my friends, I hadn't told them about Lilith yet. I don't know why. I guess it was because I wasn't sure if Damon or Lucifer had told their friends about our unconventional. I guessed not as they never mentioned doing so. Last year at Hogwarts, we talked when we bumped into each other, but we never searched for each other. When we first left, I thought we would be together most, if not all the time. However, in the different houses we were, we seemed to drift apart.

My mind drifted to Lilith and I was no longer reading the book. I couldn't help imagine all the horrible things the Slytherins will say to her. I had already experienced a year of it. I hadn't told the family as I never thought it mattered, but to the Slytherins it did. I was a muggle-born. The worst kind of Witch, slightly above the even lower muggles. The Slytherins and even some of the mean Ravenclaws teased my so called blood impurity. I ignored it, but I never lied about who my parents where. I didn't tell them of course, there was a reason I ran away from them.

The days that led up to leaving for Hogwarts seemed to take forever. Since carrying our stuff would be difficult, we hired a car. It wasn't the common Muggle car and was enchanted to be able to carry lots at once. It was very expensive, which is why we have been saving all year for it. The driver asked where our parents were and Lucifer simply asked if the information was needed for him to do his job. The driver was a little taken a back, but simply started the car and we headed off.

When we eventually reached King's Cross Station, Lucifer paid the driver, while I hopped out to get a trolley. Damon also got a trolley and then went back two more times. After we had placed out belongings on the trolley, we headed to the platform. I had to keep stopping for Lilith, as she looked confused and lost. I could tell she trailed behind us to make sure she didn't go the wrong way. Eventually we reached platform nine just after the time passed half ten, half an hour before the train leaves.

I smiled as Lilith was clearly feeling tired from pushing the trolley, yet still had a small smile on her face and had the look of excitement. Lucifer on the other hand, looked annoyed and I guessed he wanted to hurry up and sit on the train. Damon seemed content with the slow pace, as was I. We soon reached the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4. Lilith quickly reached where we stood with our trolleys. As she opened her mouth to speak, Lucifer started running to the brick wall barrier. I held in a laugh as I watched Lilith's concerned expression. She probably thought Lucifer was mad as she ran towards the brick wall. Her face contorted and she looked confused, before showing realisation as Lucifer disappeared through the barrier. Raven couldn't help smile as Lilith edging closer to the barrier.

Lilith's POV

I could feel Raven and Damon staring at me. After watching Lucifer run into a wall, I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow. Doesn't it hurt to run into a brick wall, or did Lucifer take something? Damon ran into the barrier next. Since Damon avoids pain at all costs, even refusing to move paper, I accepted that running into the barrier wouldn't hurt. I felt something tap my arm and I look over and see Mrs Weasley smiling at me. It seemed most of the Weasley family were there. I recognised Fred, George, Ron, Percy and of course Mr. Weasley. I remembered Mrs. Weasley saying she had two more sons, but of course they weren't able to say goodbye to the siblings.

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