Imagine For NiallersGirl20

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Kristyn's pov-

I walked into my dinning room and saw a notice from Sunny Side Dentist.

"Niall James Horan is due for an appointment so call us now we got new staff."

I thought to myself "Niall is going to hate me so much but I'll call them."

I dialled the number and after it rang once they picked up.

?-hello this is Sunny Side dentistry Louis Tomlinson speaking
Me-Louis is that you
Louis-yep it is Kristyn let me guess you are calling about Niall
Me-yeah Louis is tomorrow fine of no
Louis- yep it is me and Liam will take good care of him
Me-thanks Louis I owe you
Louis-that's what we do see you to tomorrow

I hung up and sighed "how I'm I supposed to get Niall to Sunny Side." I ran my hands threw my hair and keep thinking of creative ways to tell him.

Niall came home from Nados and said "Honey I'm home and I have food." "Yep I am in the kitchen." Niall walked over to me and saw the card. "No I am not going I am going to stay here and eat my food." "Ni it's not until tomorrow and when you do go it will be fine." "Fine I would really want to argue but I have food in front of my face." I let out a small laugh and just thought "Tomorrow is going to be horrible first off Louis is a dentist and Liam is to."

-Time skip to tomorrow-

I woke up next to Niall and got changed to spend a good old fashion hour in the clean dentist smell. I shook Niall and told him "get up honey we have the dentist did you forget." "I wish I did but I didn't." I started to walk downstairs and yelled "BE DOWN IN 15!" "YEAH I WILL KRIST!"

Niall's pov-

I started to put on some sweats and a muscle tank. I brushed my teeth not just for 2 minutes but 3 and I flossed. I am just hoping to get no cavities. I walked downstairs to see Kristyn. I slipped on my Toms and hopped into the car with her.

We arrived at the dreaded dentist office and she told me just to sit and stay there. I sat in uncomfortable chairs and moved around until I finally got comfortable.

Someone said "Niall Horan" I got up and saw a girl with Purple scrubs. I walked up and she lead me to a room. She said "Take a seat and they will be in soon." I sat in the dreaded chair and heard the door open. One had a black scrubs and the other had blue ones. They were scrambling to get everything and I heard one say "Niall what a pleasure to see you." I know that voice anywhere no it can't be. Both the faces turned around and it was Liam and Louis.

I said "what the heck are you guys doing here." Louis said "surprise were you're new dentist." I swear I was about to pass out from the news. Liam grabbed a pair of yellow gloves and a mask. He put on the gloves and Louis was to. They put on there masks and leaned back my chair. I started to get up and Liam pushed me back lightly and said "Niall it's the same guys." "No I don't want to do this." "Niall cmon it will be fine." Louis encouraged me.

"Fine really cause I had a rough childhood with dentists and you guys know that." Liam sighed and said "Niall just open and the sooner we get this done the sooner you can hop out of that chair and go." Liam did have a point I hate it when he is right but I guess it won't be that bad.

I opened my mouth and Louis handed Liam that pointy tool and a mirror. "Nope that is not going in my mouth I'm sorry there's something called pointy things like that shouldn't go in my mouth." "Niall I will just count you're teeth with this ok and you use a fork for Sake." I sighed again Liam is right. Liam started to count my teeth as soon as he hit my teeth I yelped. He said "Niall did that hurt." "No I am screaming out because I want to." He took my sarcasm and grabbed the x-Ray machine. Louis said "Niall stay calm but we are going to take a couple pictures."

I sighed and nodded my head ok. Liam started taking the pictures and when he finished he said "Louis come out here for a minute." They both left me alone in the horrible dentist room.

Liam's pov-

I saw Niall's wisdom are in and I may as well take them out now. I told Louis and he nodded to get the stuff we will need for this long procedure. I walked out and saw Kristyn sitting on a chair playing with her phone. "Kristyn Niall needs his wisdom teeth are in can you come in until he goes to sleep and when he does you can leave." "Yeah totally I fill so bad I told him nothing will happen besides a cleaning." I rubbed her shoulder and lead her back.

Nialls pov-

Louis Liam and Kristyn came back and I said "ok what's happening."  Kristyn sighed "Niall honey bunny you have to get you're wisdom teeth out." I felt the whole widget of the world crush me. "I'm not man enough for this I'm not a man I'm not a hero I'm just a boy from Dublin." She giggled and said "the good thing is you will be asleep the whole time." Louis grabbed a new pair of gloves and Liam did to. Kristyn held my hand and rubbed it. Louis put on his mask and so did Liam. Louis said "Niall we did this so many times before you won't feel a thing trust me."

Kristyn kissed me on the cheek and said "you're my brave little soldier." Liam came over with a needle and I screamed "NO WAY THAT IS GOING INTO MY MOUTH!" Louis knew this was going to happen so he put on the mask that I knew to well and said "breath it in Niall Kristyn will be there when you get done." I felt my eyelids getting tried and tried I heard before I was out "You are my hero Niall."

Kristyn pov-

After I left the room I walked back to the waiting room and left to get some ice cream and soft foods for Niall when he gets out. I got a call while I was picking out Ben and Jerry's pints of ice cream for us.

Me-Hello this is Kristyn
Liam- hey Niall is done want to get him
Me-yeah I'll be there in a few

I got finished checking out and ran into Niall's room. I saw him still asleep looking like a chipmunk. Louis said "all went well we got them all out before to much trouble was caused up there." "That's my brave little soldier."

I walked over to him and kissed his hand. Liam said "So I guess Niall hates our guts now." "Probably only for a week though." They both laughed and Niall worked up confused as could be. He mumbled "why is Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson in my room. Did I win a free meet and greet from them." We all laughed and I said "proof Niall is a fan of one direction right here."

A/n-sorry I didn't update for 2 days I have reasons 1st reason on Monday I started school and anxiety hit me so hard the 2nd reason last night I was writing this imagine and one for AirahZaidi in still working on you're don't worry but we had this huge storm that our power went off so that was just great.

I feel like such a bad person because of this and it won't happen again where I live we normally don't get huge storms like that so who knows what happened.


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