Imagine For LittleMissyScriptyx

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Kayleigh's POV

I entered my office as a strong whiff of hand sanitizer filled my nose. I set my purse down on my office chair, as I see Liam in the corner of my eye.
"Hey! How late did you work till last night?" he asked as he filed patients papers.
"Not too late... I got home around 11:00 ish..." I responded gazing through my emails.
As Liam continues filing papers, nurses rushed into the main office with someone who'd had an allergic reaction to bees. I quickly rushed over as the nurses told me it was severe.
"What's her heart rate?" Liam asked as he rushed over to help us.
"122" I said nervously glancing at the monitor.
All the nurses set her onto another gurney and then began work saving the girl.
"How old is she?" someone asked.
"Is she breathing okay?" another questioned.
The little girl lay there in complete and utter shock as more and more people asked questions and shouted and hollered.
"I think we need to put an IV in her to see if her blood sugar is abnormally high..." Liam said as he examined the area for a needle.
I stared into his beautiful eyes and daydreamed of us riding on a mystical horse together on the beach. And he would look at me, and I would look at him...
"Kayleigh!" Liam shouted to snap me back into reality.
"What?! Sorry." I said as my cheeks went red.
"The needle, please!" he said aggravated as her blood sugar bit by bit began to drop.
As I messily hand him the needle, he unfortunately catches it at a horrible angle as the needle enters the girl's arm.
"KAYLEIGH!" Liam shouts as he watches the catastrophe before his own eyes.
I stared in shock as the needle was in her arm. I quickly and carefully take it of her arm. I then take stitches and stitch it back into place. All the nurses watch in awe as I worked.
"Not bad, not bad." Liam said as I began to finish.
"I'm sorry I got so distracted because, just you in general..." I sputtered not realizing what I had admitted.
Liam's mouth dropped open as I smiled in embarrassment.
"You like me! Ha! I knew it!" Liam said and he playfully touched my shoulder. "What?.... Nooooooo . I... just.... was...talking...about...ummm.... my.... self?" "You can just say it." "I kinda like you too." "No I'm just being stu- wait, what?" "yeah I think you're really cute when you work, except when you, ya know, stab a needle into someones arm haha." "Yeah... ok, I do like you...." "So you wanna maybe go on a date?...." "I would love to Liam." I flash him a huge grin and giddily skip out of the office." "Um, Kayleigh, you know your shift isn't over right?" "Haha, yeah... just excited." I then go back to my desk and imagine what our date will be like.

Hey guys! So my friend wrote most of this chapter for LittleMissyScriptyx, so props to her! Her name is M and she'll be helping us write a little bit :)


J <3

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