Imagine For Hoheynina

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Nina's Pov-

"Come on Nina, time to go to the dentist." "Mikeyyyyyy." "Nina please don't argue." "Fine, I know I have to go." "Thank you." "But you have to carry me to the car." "Nina." "Ugh fine."

I get in the car, dreading the dentist. "Hey Mikey, can we stop at Dairy Queen and get a Blizzard?" "Nina I would but we don't have time." "Well fuck that, let's just skip then." "One, no and two that's a dollar for the swear jar." "Ugh."

We finally get to the dentist after constant bickering coming from the two of us. I refuse to get out of the car, so Mikey carries me into the dentist. After the checkup, the dentist calls me and Mikey over to tell us the results of the checkup. "So Nina, your teeth look good, but you need to get braces."The fuck why?" "Swear jar." "Your teeth are really crooked and you need braces to make them straight." "Hell no Mikey these people are fucking idiots." "One, swear jar, two, we need to go and get you braces Nina." "NO."

I then run out of the building with Mikey Chasing after me. Seeing as I'm not a fast runner, he quickly catches up to me. He grabs me by the waist, buckles me in and starts the car. While I throw a temper tantrum, he quickly Drives to "Hemmings Orthodondicts." He then grabs me and drags me inside. "Hi, I'd like to make an appointment for Nina Clifford." "Alright have a seat, Dr. Hemmings will be right with you." We have a seat and wait for five minutes.

The Dr. comes out and introduces himself to me. "Hi, you must be Nina." "Im Dr. Hemmings and I'll be putting on your braces today. It shouldn't hurt that much, so there's nothing to be worried about." I follow him into the office where he puts the braces on. "Was it that bad?" "YES IT HURTS LIKE FUCKING HELL." "I hear Micheal yell, "SWEAR JAR." " I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. But they do look pretty good on me." "That's the spirit!" I walk out of the orthodontists office with toothaces and a smile on my face. "Well." I thought. "Another job well done from "Hemmings Orthodonticts."


Hey yall it's L and I would like to see here's your imagine hoheynina hope u like it will rewrite it if you don't like it.

Just so you know I have been stressed out from school lets just say apparently mouthing to your friend can get you in trouble in social studies.

But yeah until the next imagine for someone I need more request see you later peace out Girl Scouts.


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