Chapter 2

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Autumn has lived at her uncles house for 2 years. She had to go to school. Had to be home at 8:00 and had to go to bed at 8:30. Autumn finally got her uncle's permission to go to the wild kratts show. Her uncle even got her a vip ticket! After only 30 minutes of the show Autumn left the show and waited out side for her uncle. The show finished and Autumn's ride still wasn't there. Chris came out of the place to go to his car. He stumbled over something or someone.
"Woah! Hey are you ok?!"

"Yes I am. It is not as bad as my uncle."

"What does your uncle do?"

"Whips me with his belt." It came out in a wisper. Chris just looked at her not knowing what to do.

"You can live with me." He said. Autumn's face lit up.

"Really! You don't mined?"

"No." He said so kindly. It made her heart jump!

"Where does your uncle live?" Autumn just started crying.

"Don't make me go back to him!!!" Instantly Chris reacted.

"No I would not do that." The limo pulls up to the house with in 5 minutes.

"Now you can stay here or come with me to talk to your uncle."

"I want to go." A few seconds later they are at the door. Chris is pounding on the door. The door opens. My uncle stares at me with his beady eyes. Then garages my cooler of my shirt and states me inside. About a minute and a half goes by and the uncle appears at the door agian , brings Chris inside and punches him till he blacks out. Chris woke up quickly and realizes the lifeless body on the ground.Chris rushes t Autumn's side and takes a pules. Negetaive. (that is a good thing)

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