Chapter 4

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A few weeks went by and Chris brought up a topic.

"You need to for to school,Autumn. You know that right?"

"Yes dad I do."

"I'm going to sign you up tomorrow."

"Ok." The day passes very slowly compared to Autumn. The next day comes. Chris and Autumn drive up to the school all the girls freak out due to Chris. Then Kristina and Fred walk up to Chris. Notices Autumn.

"What are you doing here with Chris." They asked in unison.Autumn knew exactly who they were.

"Daddy these people are being mean to me."

"Oh they are. Are they?" Chris had a intiminating look on his face. Autumn knew he was playing around.

"We won't mess with her we swear!!!" They said in unison.

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Autumn laughed at loud so hard her side hurt. Chris walked over to her scopped her up and walked into the building.

Adopted by Chris KrattWhere stories live. Discover now