Chapter 32

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"So you aren't coming home until tomorrow, that's what you are trying to tell me?"

"Yeah. I have to have a meeting with the "label" today. I'll be back Tuesday."

"I'm really mad at you at this moment."

"I said I was coming back Tuesday."

"Okay, that doesn't help me today. How are you still gone and it's time to go back to school that makes no sense."

"I was supposed to be back but the label had other plans."

"You probably won't be back until the new year."

"Don't start. I will be back tomorrow."

"Mmhm. I gotta go the teacher is walking in."

"Alright. 3."


I'm proud of my girl but that doesn't excuse her from coming home. I wanted to wait till she got back to tell her how Johnny asked me to Winter Formal but it seems like she is never coming back.

"Alright class. We had a nice break but it's time to get back to business." That's all I heard the teacher say before I zoned out. I was ahead of the class anyway so I didn't feel the need to listen to stuff I already knew.

Free period came around and I headed for the gym.

"Stop doing whatever you are doing. She is kicking the hell out of me."

"You better watch your mouth around my daughter."

Winter and Derrick seem to be growing closer since reality set in that they are having a baby together.

"You better stop arguing in front of her I will tell on both of you." I said approaching them.

"Who are you going to tell? Nobody can tell me anything." Derrick spoke.

"Oh is that right?"

"Yeah. That's right."

"So you are telling me King won't tear both of y'all asses over "her baby"?

"It wasn't even me he started it." Winter defended.

"Like I said nobody can tell me anything."

"Alright let me call her."

He knows he full of it because if she were to show up right now his whole attitude would change.

"She probably won't answer since she cooling so heavy with "Damyyan"."

I shook my head. This dude has some serious jealousy issues. That's how I know he really does love King. When he thought she was checking for August or vice versa he was mad and he is doing the same thing now. We aren't even going to talk about the little fit he had when he found out about Jamere. He has is it bad and she tries so hard not to.

"Come talk to me Derrick." I said moving away from Winter.

"What's up?"

"You mad at her?"

"Hell yeah."


"Because I called her on the day of her concert thing to see how she was doing and all of that. We were talking and I told her I missed her, which is the truth she has never been gone this long. She didn't say anything so I thought she didn't hear me but really she was talking to him telling him she was happy to see him and he was the only one she wanted to talk to like I wasn't on the phone. Shit really hurt my feelings to tell the truth."

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