NorIce Teacher-Student AU Part 5

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Emil's POV

We got to the movies and got popcorn to share and drinks. Lukas already had tickets for a movie so we went straight to take our seats. I looked at the time and noticed that the movie wouldn't start for another 15 minutes.

Emil "we came a bit early"

"Gives me time to do this" Lukas said as he leaned over and kissed me. He started to rub the bottom of my lip with his tongue and I opened my mouth for him. He took no time in tasting every inch of my mouth. He than moved down to my neck and started to suck all over it leaving multiple marks.

The movie began to start and I was pulled into reality and noticed all the marks on my neck. I mentally slapped myself and started panicking. Lukas noticed this and started to comfort me by placing soft kisses on me and pulling me onto his lap to cuddle. It wasn't long before I was able to relax and watch the movie. The Movie ended and it was getting late so Lukas took me home. He kissed me before I got out of his car and waved him goodbye. I walked inside my house trying to get to my room as fast as I could only to be stopped my Mikkel.

Third Person POV

Mikkel "you spent a long time studying Emil how was it?"

Emil "it was good, can you move I wanna go to bed."

Mikkel knew something was up Emil hated school so studying would not be good, Emil always stayed up late, and he spent a long time with Mr. Bondevik. He than noticed something on his neck.

"What's on your neck" Mikkel said as he moved Emil's hand out of the way.

"Are those hickeys!" Mikkel said with a hint of shock and anger.

Emil "uh no there uh bug bites"

Mikkel "I'm not stupid Emil, Did Mr. Bondevik give those to you, is he taking advantage of you, has he hurt you"

Emil's mind was filled with worry he was on the verge of tears his "dad" knew of his secret love but he couldn't let him think that Lukas was taking advantage of him. Emil shoved his face into Mikkel's chest and started to cry"

Emil "I-I love him"

Mikkel had switched from anger and shock to worrisome and he tried to comfort Emil and learn more about this.

Mikkel "Emil tell me everything about this"

Emil "we-we started dating three days ago"

Mikkel "is it one sided or do you love him to"

Emil " I love him so much.. B-but I don't want to lose him"

Mikkel "now why would that happen"

Emil "I'm under aged and now you know so-"

Mikkel cut Emil off "how old is Mr. Bondevik"

Emil "22"

Mikkel "and you love him?"

Emil "yea"

Mikkel "well you're almost 18 and if you do love him, I want you to be happy"

Emil "y-you mean I can date him"

Mikkel "ya but I wished you would of told me"

"I'm sorry I was scared of what you would say and do" Emil said as he hugged his supportive "dad".

Mikkel "now go to bed Emil"

Emil scurried off to his room and once the door had closed Mikkel went straight to his phone and searched for the school contacts until he found Mr. Bondevik. He dialled the number and waited.

Lukas had just gotten home and was in a good mood, he heard his phone ring and picked it up.

Lukas "hello?"

Mikkel "listen I know about your relationship with my son and I swear to god if you hurt him or I find out your using him, I will personally kick your ass"

Lukas couldn't even reply when he heard the other line hang up. Lukas wasn't expecting that and didn't know how to feel about it. He was worried that someone knew about their relationship but also relived that they weren't going to have them separated. He decided he could talk about it later with Emil on their date tomorrow. Lukas went to bed after texting Emil a goodnight and telling him that he loved him.

Next Part Coming Soon

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