NorIce Teacher-Student AU Part 9

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Emil's POV

I got home and got nice and dressed up in my favourite brown jacket, dress shirt and pants to match. I put on my bow knowing how much Lukas liked it and made my way downstairs.

Mikkel "why are you all dressed up?"

"I'm going on a date" I said trying not to sound flustered

Mikkel "you better not be having sex on a school night mister"

Emil "w-who said I was going to do that!"

Mikkel "I just want you being able to walk to school"

I saw Lukas pull up and made my way to his car. Once I got in, Lukas gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Ready for tonight" Lukas said sounding surprisedly excited

Emil "uh ya but what has you so excited"

Lukas "well it's nice to be able to do things that other couples do. I mean we usually don't go out much considering someone might see us"

He had a point it had been pretty stressful knowing the consequences of being caught dating a minor. I leaned over a gave Lukas a kiss on the cheek.

Emil "as long as I have you I'm happy, weather we do things like this or not as long as I'm with you Anything we do is fun"

We pulled up to the fancy restaurant and saw Tino and Berwald. Tino quickly spotted us and dragged Berwald to meet us. We got inside and ordered drinks. Tino was the one talking for the majority of the time. He talked about how good it was to hang out with a similar couple. The night was somewhat boring but at the same time it was really nice. When we finished our meals we said our goodbyes and me and Lukas went to his car.

We got to my house and Lukas gave me a kiss which led to us making out in our driveway until my phone went off. It was Leon flirting with me. I told him I wasn't interested and turned my attention back to Lukas.

Lukas "you need to delete his number and start ignoring him"

Emil "are you jealous"

Lukas "of course I'm jealous, I love you and I don't want this guy messing with you"

I deleted his number and gave Lukas a kiss on his check.

Emil " don't worry I'm not interested in anyone but you"

Lukas gave me one last hug and kiss before we said goodbye and went inside. I went inside to see Mikkel in the living room, he was probably spying on me.

Mikkel "how was your date?"

Emil "good"

Mikkel "sooooo everything is going good between you and this Lukas guy"

Emil "yes, why do you keep asking questions"

Mikkel "I'm your guardian and I have to make sure this older man can be trusted with you"

"just because he's old doesn't mean he can't be trusted" I snapped back

Mikkel "I know.... I just want you to be safe"

"I know, I'm sorry for getting angry"
I said as I hugged him.

Emil "I'm going to bed, goodnight... Dad"(he really likes it when I call him dad)

Mikkel "goodnight Emil"

I got into bed and quickly feel asleep, without any texts from Leon.

Time Skip

I woke up and got ready for school. I got all my stuff together and got some clothes on after my morning shower. I walked downstairs to be greeted by Mikkel.

Mikkel "have a good day at school Emil"

Emil "ya I will"

I gave Mikkel a hug and started walking to school. I got to school and I began my day of waiting for last period when I would get to see Lukas.

Lukas's POV

It was now last period and that meant I got to see Emil's adorable face. He walked into class and sat right in front of me as always, but what happened next awoke the jealous side of me. Leon walked into the class room and took a seat right next to my Emil. Emil seemed to notice this as well and tried to ignore him. I started teaching and Leon kept trying to start conversations with MY sweet Emil. I told him to be quiet and that seemed to shut him up.

It was almost the end of class and Leon hadn't done anything since I told him to be quite. The bell rang and I gave a sigh of relief. I looked up to see just about everyone out of my class room except Emil and Leon. Emil was obviously waiting for Leon to leave so we could make plans but it seemed Leon wouldn't move until Emil did. I received a text from Emil that we could plan what we could do by texting and that he was leaving so Leon wouldn't get suspicious. Emil stood up and started walking to the door with Leon on his tail. I got up to and without drawing any attention got into the hallway. Emil didn't even make it a metre away from my classroom before Leon pulled him into a forced kiss. Jealousy filled up inside in and I couldn't take it anymore.

"LEON what do you think your doing!" I said as I grabbed him away from my boyfriend.

"Me and Emil are dating Mr. Bondevik, why are you acting so weird" Leon said calmly.

I wanted to hit this boy and tell him he was wrong and that Emil was my boyfriend, but luckily my brain was thinking two steps ahead of my heart.

"Emil is this true" I said in my usual monotone voice, giving Emil a wink when Leon wasn't looking.

Emil "no it's not true Leon won't leave me alone and keeps harassing me!"

Lukas " Leon if this happens again you'll be expelled, and I better not see you near Emil" he's taken I added in my head.

Leon nodded and quickly  walked away looking shocked. I don't think he'll be a problem anymore. With no one around I pulled Emil into a hug and gave him a kiss.

Lukas "I love you Emil"

Emil "I love you to Lukas"

Sorry this chapter took so long. I think this is it for this fanfiction, I might continue it later if people want me to but right now I want to work on some other ideas of mine and a DenIce Fanfiction I already started writing. TY for reading and feedback is appreciated

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