Chapter XXVIII- Teddy

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JUJU xoxo


I was worried about Dominique and so was Victoire. I was close to all of the Weasley-Potter family. I was considered a part of that family by them but I didn’t consider myself part of it; not yet. Anyways, Dominique was blocking everyone out. The girls in her dorm had told Vic that she wasn’t talking to them much anymore. She kept to herself and rarely even talked to her own family. Bill and Fleur had sent letter to Louis and Vic asking if she was okay because she wasn’t replying. There was definitely something up but none of us could figure out what it was. The only person she would actually talk voluntarily to is Molly Weasley. They were always very close friends and cousins so if there was any way to figure out what was going on with her it was through Molly.

I knew she would be in the library. She was just like her father Percy. Always being a kiss up to everyone and studying to be excellent at every subject. She still found time to keep up with friends and a healthy lifestyle on top of all that. I didn’t even have time to eat or sleep during exam times. Anyways, I found her sitting alone at a table reading a thick book intently. I wondered for a second how she carried it there; even as a fourth year she was very petite. I shook this thought off as I remembered why I was here.

“Hey Molly.”

She glanced up and gave me a warm smile before closing the large book in front of her. It slammed shut and dust went everywhere for a second but then disappeared, “Hey Ted, what’s up??”

“I wanted to ask you about Nikki.” Nikki was my nickname for Dominique because I knew she didn’t like being called Dom and Dominique was a long name so I suggested Nikki. She liked it better than Dom because she considered Dom to be a boy’s name, “Do you know what’s up with her??”

Molly’s warm smile turned into a sad one as she shook her head, “She wouldn’t tell me. She talks to me as if nothing has changed and when I ask she says there isn’t anything wrong and changes the topic.”

“Damn it!! I was hoping you knew.”


“Her parents are worried about her. She hasn’t been writing to them. The only person I’ve seen her talk to voluntarily is you.”

“She’s also been talking to Elliot.”

“You mean Elliot Wood??” I asked and she nodded. Elliot Wood was a Hufflepuff in Nikki and Molly’s year. His dad had been in Gryffindor; the Quidditch Captain actually. He had gone to a Muggle University in America after he finished school, you know, just for the experience. He fell in love with a girl there and it turned out she was a wizard as well. Everyone thinks that’s probably why he was in Hufflepuff because most people thought he was going to be in Gryffindor. Anyways, I remembered then that he and Nikki were also very good friends; how could I forget?? “Do you think he would know??”

Molly shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not. But he’d more likely get it out of her than would.”

“Why is that??”

“Well, he likes her obviously. He told me ages ago, with the strictest confidence so don’t tell him I told you. I think she likes him too but Dominique isn’t very good at expressing her feelings. I think she’s more traditional and prefers when guys show affection first.”

“Okay… Do you know where I can find him??”

“On the grounds probably, he likes exploring the lake. If you go to that clearing by the lake that Hagrid showed us once, you might find him there.”

I nodded and said goodbye before heading out of the library and onto the school grounds. I followed Molly’s instructions and went to the little clearing that Hagrid showed by the lake. You had to go through a little bit of the Forbidden Forest but it was usually safe. I found Elliot knee deep in water looking at something he had caught with his hands. It seemed to be some sort of weed that was wriggling. No, it was a green worm; lovely…

“Hey Elliot!!”

“Hey Teddy!!!” he said glancing up and letting the worm drop back into the water. He got out and grabbed a towel to dry off his legs, “Is there anything in particular I can help you with??”

“Well, yes. It’s about Nikki.” I noticed a sudden interest in his eyes when I said Nikki. Maybe Molly was right about him liking her, “What about her??” he asked.

“You’re good friends with her; I was wondering if you knew what was up with her??”

“No, sorry. I wish I did but I don’t. Why is it so important??”

“Her parents have written to Vic and Louis saying that she isn’t writing to them, like at all. They’ve sent a bunch of letters and she hasn’t replied to one.” That wasn’t the only reason. A few years ago when Dominique was in third year and I was in fifth, her first boyfriend had broken up with her and a few months later she was still really sad and felt sick a lot of the time. She asked me to go to Mme Pomfrey when she had a serious headache so I did. She told us that Nikki had clinical depression. I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul but I knew if things got really bad for her she was putting herself in danger; anything could happen, “Do you think you could try and find out??”

“Why don’t you ask her??”

“She won’t tell me. You and Molly are her closest friends, if she won’t tell her family she’ll probably tell you. Plus it’s obvious you like her.”

“What?? No. I mean I like her as a friend but… no…”

“You can’t lie to me Elliot. When I said her name your eyes brightened with interest. You wouldn’t do that for someone you like as ‘just a friend.’”

He sighed, “Don’t tell anyone okay??”

“I swear I won’t. But you know you have to tell her some time. Molly said that she thinks Nikki likes you too but that she’s more traditional and prefers it when guys make the first move. Plus she's not very good at expressing her feelings. That’s why she’s shut us out.”

“You seem to know a lot more about her than most people do.” Elliot asked suspiciously.

“She just trusts me a lot but not as much as she trusts you.”

“I’ll do it. I’ll talk to her this evening and tell you tomorrow.”

I smiled and nodded to him, “Thanks for your help Elliot. It means a lot.” I turned and walked away. I was still pretty worried about Nikki. Every few minutes I would run a hand through my now purple hair. Purple means really worried; don’t ask me why. I tried to think of something else so that Vic wouldn’t notice. She knew every single one of my moods and what colour my hair would be so there was no hiding anything from her.

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