Prince Charming

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Felt like uploading :P Hope you enjoy! ^_^

P.S. Image above is of Ruby ;D


"Let me go!  Let me go, I say!"

Clover stirred awake as he yawned, looking beside him to see Ruby still sleeping soundly.  He smiled down at her before glancing up at the Tower the Princess resided in, and frowned when he saw her struggling with a male figure trying to pull her down along the steps that swirled around the crumbling building as she yelled for help.  Clover got to his feet while nudging Ruby awake as she stirred sleepily with a wide yawn, before looking over in the direction Clover was pointing his snout in.  Ruby instantly snarled at the sight she saw as she got to her feet as well.  Clover snuffed smoke at her, warning her to stay put as he stepped forward where the male figure was still trying to pull the Princess along with him.

"Clover!  Help me!" he heard the Princess shout as she looked over at him with pleading eyes, and he let out a loud growl before spreading his wings and flying directly above them.

The male figure noticed Clover approaching, and threw the Princess behind him as he drew out his sword from within it's sheath at his side, holding it at the ready in case the beast decided to attack them.  "Hideous beast!" the male figure shouted towards Clover as Trinity hastily got to her feet, pulling out her own sword from being sheathed along her back.  "Give me your worst!" the Prince shouted at Clover.

"Gladly," Trinity murmured, and slammed her sword heavily down on the Prince's, causing him to lose his grip and the sword to fly off somewhere as the Prince staggered back in surprise, before smirking at the sight of a young girl holding a sword directed at him.

"You really think you can use a simple sword to bring me down?" the Prince asked incredulously.

Trinity smirked.  "Being locked up in a Tower for five years has it's perks," she said simply, before swinging her sword majestically and skillfully at the Prince as he jumped away from her rage.

"Are you mad, woman!?  I'm here trying to save you from these horrid beasts, and here you try to slay me?" the Prince said with disgust.

Trinity didn't care how he looked at her, or how he saw her, but one thing she knew she was doing was protecting her friends and herself.  "They are not beasts!  They are my friends!" she bellowed, before swinging her sword once again, the Prince dodging the blow.

"How can these beasts possibly be your friends!?  They are monsters!" the Prince snarled before standing up straight, composing his cocky stance once again.  "Swing that sword as much as you like, Princess, you won't be able to defeat me," he said with a sly smirk as he crossed his arms.

Trinity smirked back in response and sheathed her sword, crossing her own arms over her chest.  "You're right," she grinned widely, "I may not be able to defeat you, but he sure can."  Trinity pointed directly over the Prince's shoulder as he stiffened, slowly turning around to come face-to-face with the eye of the beast itself.  The Prince screamed like a little girl and fell back on the spiral staircase as Clover revealed his sharp teeth in a snarl.  If the atmosphere weren't so tense among them, Trinity would have laughed at the Prince's reaction to her Dragon.

"The Queen has passed, which leaves you the only heir to run the Kingdom in her stead.  Your father awaits your return from this wretched place," the Prince bribed, but Trinity wasn't having any of it.  Trinity withdrew her sword once again and held the pointed tip at the Prince's throat as he gulped.  "You wouldn't kill me," he said somewhat confidently.

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