Dragon Princess

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Finally felt inspired ^-^


Leo watched with pure terror from his temporary room at the Kingdom of Abernathy as Trinity jumped from the King's Office window.  Standing agape, Leo watched as Trinity's body began to glow until she was a bright ball of red and orange flames that was plummeting to the ground.  Her body impacted the Garden grounds as a crater formed around where she had landed.  Rocks and dirt billowed up all around the glowing fireball that was Trinity, everyone around the Royal Gardens waiting to see if the Princess had survived the fall.

The dust finally cleared.  Everything was silent as the King's Guards awaited their orders, the green and red Dragons long forgotten as they all watched Trinity's figure rise from a crouch in the crater she had made, her once green eyes now blazing with a fiery red fury as she slowly stepped forward towards her Dragons.

The King's Guards were stunned to the spot, staring at the Princess whose hands were lit with red and orange flames, her eyes a blazing red that matched her female Dragon's scales.  Clover and Ruby snorted angrily at the Guards surrounding them as they carefully stepped away from the two ferocious Dragons.

Trinity stopped directly in front of Clover's clawed feet, and tilted her head back up at the Castle where the King was watching her from the broken window in his Office.  Trinity sneered before saying aloud to the people around her, "Anyone who dares harm my Dragons will either be eaten alive, or burned to a crisp by me."  With that, Trinity doused her flames and her eyes once again returned to the vibrant green of her Dragon.  Nobody moved or protested when Trinity mounted Clover as Ruby followed her Dragon Mate and his Rider into the sky back to the crumbled Castle where they had now called Home.

Leo leaned against the window pane of his room, eyes watching Trinity and her Dragons leave the Kingdom behind until they were no longer visible, and slowly began to laugh.  By the time his belly ached from so much laughter, Leo realized Trinity was no ordinary Princess.  Oh no.  She was far from ordinary.

For she was the first Dragon Princess in existence.


Trinity kicked a small piece of rubble from the crumbled Castle as the wind blew through her loose black hair.  She watched the small stone drop from the great height they were perched on, and listened to it bang and crack against other larger stones until it was completely silent.  Trinity sighed and pushed her dark lockes behind her ear.  "I never should have went back."

Clover snorted.  That's an understatement.

Trinity shot a small glare over her shoulder at the green Dragon.  "Thanks for telling me I was right, Clover."

Clover looked smug as he raised his head up high.  You're quite welcome.

Trinity rolled her eyes with a smile as she turned to face both her Dragons.  "I still don't understand this whole 'Dragon Bond' business between us."

Clover stared out at the horizon, seeming deep in thought as Ruby answered Trinity instead.  We don't quite understand it, either.  All we know is that somehow, the three of us are connected.

Trinity frowned and crossed her arms.  "Connected how?"

Ruby snorted a shrug and nudged her Dragon Mate's side as he continued to gaze out at the fading horizon.  Our lives are one.

Well, well, well, look who stopped by for a visit.  Clover tutted as he watched a white mare and her rider approach the crumbling Castle.

Trinity spun around and watched as the mare stopped just shy of the staircase leading up to the Tower.  She blinked in surprise before she narrowed her eyes menacingly.  If he was here to convince her to go back, then he was dead wrong.  Leo dismounted his white mare and stared up at the crumbled Castle where Trinity was peering over along with her two Dragons.  "Trinity!" Leo shouted, and grinned before he started clapping, the sound echoing off the empty Castle walls.  "That was brilliant!"

Trinity's eyes widened in surprise.  Was he actually. . .praising her?  "Why are you here?" she shouted back down at him, before sitting on the ledge and dangling her feet over the side as she waited for his answer.

"I left the Castle!  There's something I need to tell you!" Leo shouted in reply, and lifted his arms innocently.

Trinity turned to Clover.  "Bring him up here?"  Clover snorted and didn't reply as he walked to the edge and flew down to the ground, Leo keeping hold of his frightened white mare as Clover offered a clawed hand and the Prince stepped onto it.  Clover gripped him tightly and flew back up to the Tower before dropping him on the flat surface beside it carelessly.  Leo shook his head and frowned up at Clover.  "What is it you have to say?"

Leo sighed and slowly got to his feet as he wiped his trousers clean of debris and crossed his arms.  "It's about why your Father wanted me to retrieve you from the Tower.  And you have to promise not to get mad," he added quickly, and Trinity raised an eyebrow in turn.  Leo sighed once again before speaking, "Your Father offered any Noblemen that was willing to bring you back to Abernathy your hand-in-marriage."

Trinity was silent.  "Is that all?"

Leo blinked.  "You're really not angry?"  Trinity shook her head.  "Why not?"

Trinity shrugged and stood up as she lit her right hand on fire with a smirk.  "I could just always burn my husband if he so much as tries to touch me without ny consent."

Leo chuckled and shook his head.  "You really are something, Dragon Princess," Leo muttered, and Trinity frowned.

"What did you call me?"

Leo looked up and smiled.  "Dragon Princess."  Trinity blinked.  "I think it suits you."

Trinity looked up at Clover and Ruby as they both bowed their heads at her, and she smiled.  "I like it."

Leo grinned and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he slowly walked up to her.  "You know, I've heard a lot of Legends about this place."

Trinity clenched her right hand into a fist, dousing her flames, and raised a dark eyebrow at him.  "Oh, really?  Like what?"

Leo shrugged.  "Like Ghosts of the fallen Soldiers that roam the empty halls, still looking for someone to serve until they move on."  Trinity blinked.  "They're just stories, though."

Trinity smiled then and grasped Leo's left arm as she began pulling him to the staircase that led inside the crumbled Castle ruins.  "There's something I want to show you."

"Should I be scared right now?" Leo asked rhetorically with a raised eyebrow, but his question was directed towards the Dragons.

Clover smirked and shrugged in response.  We shall see.


I really want to finish this one up so that I can start on the rest of the series that I had written out before this, so...


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