A Repeat of History

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Felt inspired again ^-^ Hope you all enjoy!

P.S. Image above was the closest I could find to Queen Bella :3


Before Trinity knew it, Leo had embraced her in a tight firm hug. She gasped at the feeling of his arms wrapped around her slim body clad in men's clothes as her tears paused in their tracks, her green eyes shining with sorrow. Slowly, she closed her eyes and snuggled closer to Leo as he tightened his hold around her. Ulrick stayed silent as he watched this encounter between the two Royals, and smiled beneath his helmet. His King and Queen were finally reunited after so long.

"My Queen." Ulrick fisted his hand over his heart and bowed towards Trinity as she slowly pulled away from Leo, looking over at her Ghost Knight curiously. "My King." Ulrick then bowed towards Leo, and both Royals' eyes widened in surprise.

"Ulrick, what-?" Trinity breathed, and Ulrick's golden yellow eyes lit up in answer. Trinity slowly shook her head. "No." Stepping fully away from Leo, Trinity ran out of the ballroom and down the dark corridor as she headed back to her Royal Dragons.

Leo blinked his grey eyes after her, not sure if he should chase her down or let her go, until Ulrick walked away into the ballroom without a word, the white wisps surrounding him making his Ghostly figure shimmer out of place until he disappeared. Leo nodded after him in thanks before taking off in a sprint after Trinity.

Trinity stumbled on her way out from the crumbled Castle, trying to locate the spiral staircase that would lead up to the roof where her Dragons were waiting for her return through a blur of tears, when something grabbed hold of her wrist and pinned her against one of the torn walls that was part of the destruction from fifty years ago. Trinity snapped her head up and was met with intense grey eyes. She said nothing as Leo leaned his face in close to hers, their foreheads touching.

Leo's eyes slowly moved down to her lips, which were thin and slightly pink. Kissable lips, he thought, and slowly dipped his head so that their lips brushed against one another. Trinity stiffened, her hands pinned to either side of her head by Leo's firm grip, and tilted her head up just slightly. Leo gently pressed his lips to hers once she lifted her head, allowing him to fully kiss her. Once she started kissing back, Leo pressed more firmly against her mouth, releasing his hold on her wrists as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and she quickly wrapped her own arms tightly around his neck.

It was her first kiss.

Leo slowly pulled away and Trinity leaned back against the wall, her arms still tightly bound to the Prince and looked up at the torn ceiling. "Why did it have to be you?" she whispered, and Leo laughed.

"Why not me?" he asked cockily, and she lowered her head to raise a dark eyebrow at him.

"Because you're so full of yourself."

Now it was his turn to raise a blonde eyebrow at her. "Oh, am I now?"

Trinity grinned. "You sure are." And with that, she kissed him again, catching him by surprise before he relaxed into the kiss. Trinity suddenly pulled away. "I just remembered."

Leo frowned. "Remembered what?"

Trinity gave her Prince a small smile. "It's my eighteenth birthday today."


Clover snuggled Ruby lovingly and wrapped his long spiked tail around his Dragon Mate, his wings spread upward as a sign of his excitement. Ruby snuffed smoke at him and turned her head away shyly. How many? her Dragon Mate whispered to her mind, and she turned her head back towards him.

I'm not quite sure. Ruby circled her head to nuzzle her growing belly. But I know it is more than two.

Clover roared into the sky once again, this roar filled with relentless joy as Trinity and Leo emerged from the staircase leading into the rundown Castle hand-in-hand. Clover frowned and snorted in their direction. Leo stiffened, but continued walking towards the two Dragons as Trinity giggled at his discomfort. "Why are you so happy, Clover?" Trinity asked her Dragon as she dropped Leo's hand and ran up to her friend to stroke his snout, Clover having lowered his head down to her height. Ruby nudged Clover's side before gesturing her snout towards Trinity. Clover snorted.

Ruby is going to give birth, Clover told Trinity, and the young Princess grinned widely.

"That's fantastic!" Trinity wrapped her arms around the green Dragon's neck. "I'm so happy for you! The Dragon Line can finally continue on!"

Clover smiled and closed his eyes while Ruby wrapped her own head around the Princess. Yes. It shall. Clover snorted once more before looking up at the Prince who had been watching their entire exchange in utter confusion. Trinity, I'd like to speak to him. Trinity nodded before scurrying over to Leo, taking his hand in hers while closing her eyes and focusing on extending the Mind Speak to the Prince. Clover moved to stand before the Prince, his horned head held high.

I don't like you, Clover began, and the Prince groaned loudly in disappointment. Clover frowned, but continued anyway, I don't like you, but I will learn to because of the Princess. She loves you, but she's too afraid to say it. With your help, I'm sure my parents' old Kingdom will thrive once again. Clover bowed his head towards the Prince who blinked in astonishment at the Dragon Prince's words. Clover met eyes with Leo. Although I hope you know I will still eat you if you ever hurt her.

Prince Leo grunted. "I figured," he muttered, before matching the Dragon's green-eyed gaze with his stormy greys. "But thank you." Leo bowed back in return, and Clover nodded before moving to sit back beside his Dragon Mate.

Trinity hopped up and down in excitement. "I still can't believe it!" Trinity beamed, and turned towards her red Dragon. "When?"

Ruby nuzzled her stomach lovingly. Soon.

"Um, what is that?" Leo spoke up, and pointed a finger in the distance to which both Dragons and the Princess lifted their heads to see. Trinity frowned.

"It looks like," Trinity trailed off, unsure of what precisely the objects in the distance were.

Clover growled and stood on all fours while swishing his tail in the air, the spikes on it looking deadlier than ever. An army.

Trinity gasped. "What are they thinking!? What is the King thinking!?" Trinity groaned and ran both hands through her hair. Then she straightened her spine. "My idiot Father thinks he can win this battle." Trinity narrowed her bright green eyes as they flickered a bright red. "Well, he's wrong," Trinity growled under her breath, and ran back to the top of the spiral staircase. Cupping her hands over her mouth, she shouted into the silent darkness, "Ulrick! We are being invaded! I require you and your Soldier's assistance!"

There was a long silence before, "I lived and died to serve the previous Dragon Queen. My services are now given to the new Dragon Queen. What shall you have us do?"

Ulrick's Ghost appeared before Trinity, his form transparent in the fading sun. "Guard the Castle, your Home, from the incoming enemy." Ulrick fisted his hand over his heart and bowed deeply, the only thing still visible beneath his helmet were his golden yellow eyes. Trinity turned her back and faced the oncoming enemy. "And whatever you do," Trinity locked eyes with her Dragons as Leo stepped up beside her, grasping her hand firmly in his. Trinity smiled softly. "Protect the Royal Dragons at all costs."


I'm actually trying to rush through this so that I can start the rest of the Books to this series, so...It's nearing the end ._. Anywho...


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