Heading Home

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Hope you all enjoy :)

P.S. Image above is of Clover :)


Clover and Ruby were quite reluctant on trusting this 'Leo' person, since he had, after all, tried to slay Clover, but did their Princess the favor anyway.  And that was letting Trinity ride on Clover's back, back to the Kingdom where she was born.  Ruby tagged along, not wanting to abandon her Dragon Mate as Leo rode below them on his white steed.  Trinity had offered him a ride on one of her Dragons, but had properly declined her invitation and told her he had rode on horseback to her Tower, and thus he should return in that condition.  Trinity had simply shrugged and mounted her Dragon.

Then they were on their way.

Trinity couldn't remember the last time she had taken a ride on the back of her Dragon.  It must have been days.  Or perhaps even weeks.  But she missed it.  The wind in her hair, breathing in the mossy-scent of the evergreen trees below, and feeling the beat of Clover's wings against her thighs just gave her such a thrill that she decided to stand up and grip one of his head horns for support.

Peering down below, Trinity smiled at Leo as he hurried on horseback to keep up with her.  Her Dragons were up high enough in the air not to spook the horse while they flew.  Then Trinity jumped and watched Leo's smiling face turn to one of shock at her actions.  She merely laughed and approached the ground, falling through air as she waited.  Then she was gripped by a pair of red claws as Ruby held her close and twirled her around.  Their Princess laughed, loving the feel of freedom from her Tower.  Once they were done flying, Ruby gently placed Trinity back onto the neck of her green Dragon Mate as they rubbed snouts, blowing smoke into each other's faces.  Then Ruby fell back as Clover led the way to the Castle, the memory of where his Princess had lived still burned into his mind as he took his time getting there.

Down below, Leo chuckled to himself lowly.  The Princess jumping off her Dragon's back had given him quite the scare, but once he saw her red Dragon catch her in it's talons mid-air and twirl flawlessly, his frightened beating heart calmed it's rate as he rode on.  He couldn't help but admire Trinity for her wits, though.  She was brave and fearless of creatures bigger than herself.  Hell, she could surely handle herself in a sword match if it came down to it, that much he was sure of.  Perhaps she would like to spar with him some time in the Kingdom's Training Grounds.  Then again, she was a Princess.  And Princess' did not carry swords on their backs or befriend Dragons.

She was not going to like the way things were run back home, that was for sure.


They were in view of the Castle now, and Prince Leo was dreading their arrival very much.  Not because he had actually come back with the Princess and the proposal her Father, the King, had offered those who had tried to return with her would receive, but because of the two great beasts flying above him with their Princess on one's back.

Trinity stared at the Castle, a blank look on her face as she gulped deeply.  She hadn't seen home in so long that she had forgotten what it had looked like.  Sensing his Princess' uneasiness, Clover used his tail to tickle her ear and she giggled, hugging his neck tightly and rubbing her cheek against his hard-skinned scales.  Then she saw them.


They were aiming up at the air.  Aiming for her Dragons.  Aiming for her.


But it was too late.  Even with Leo's cry of protest, the Archer's released their arrows, and suddenly the flying pieces of wood were upon them.  Trinity gasped before a line of fiery flames engulfed the small sticks and they were burnt to ashes.  Ruby had taken the lead and was protecting her Mate and Princess from harm.

Not Your Regular Fairytale (Draganoid Trilogy #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ