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'Heya.' I said to Vic who was walking in front of me in the flow me students trying to get out to their buses. His straight hair whipped round and I saw the recognition. Miraculously, he smiled a little and slowed down a little bit to fall into step with me.

'Look - I'm so so so sorry about what I said, I don't know what I was thinking and-' I started to say, but got cut off by Vic. 'Umm, no need. It's fine.' He stated awkwardly. 'No, its seriously not! What I said was totally wrong, and I really want to help you.' SHIT.

Vic stopped dead, causing cries and shoves, staring at me with a shocked look on his face. 'I uhh - umm shit.. erm, well-' People gave us wierd looks but I didn't care, because suddenly the beautiful boy leant in slightly and whisperd in my ear.

When he spoke all I could look at were his eyes. They were beautifully scarred and enchanting, but despite their beauty all I wanted was to polish them up a bit with love and support. I barely heard the words that brushed up against my ear in his silky siren voice.

'You'll think I'm crazy, but umm.. I'd.. I'd kinda like that.'

My head reeling from disbelief and shock and happiness and awkwardness, I just let a small smile creep onto my mouth. 'R-really?' Vic adopted a smirk identical to mine. 'Yeah.' I had barely got over my moment of acception into Vic's life when hard tarmac met my shoulder and an audible crack sounded from in front of me where Vic lay with a pained expression on his face.

'Hah!' A sharp exclamation pierced my ears. A foot lazily kicked Vic's back, making him wince. 'Don't stop in front of me again.' I groaned - that was the voice of the school prick, Morgan Jones. We were given a wide berth but no-one helped me or Vic (who was clearly hurt) up.

Ignoring the pain in my shoulder and left arm, I sat up and tried to help up Vic. 'Vic, are you okay? Can you get up?' He shook his head slightly and I panicked. 'Uhh.. okay, just stay here and, umm.. no, that won't work..' Fuck, I felt so useless! If I couldn't help him now, how would I be able to help him later?!?

'VIC!' I heard someone cry. I looked round and saw Mike and Jaime rushing towards us. 'Vic! Shit - what happened?!' Mike asked frantically. 'I-I'm sorry Mike, Morgan pushed him and.. and then kicked his back, I'm really sorry I-' Jaime stopped my flow of words by placing his hands firmly on my shoulders and speaking directly in my face.

'It's not. Your. Fault.' He looked really serious. 'B-but I was with him and-'

'No, it's not. Trust me.' I couldn't do anything but stand there drowning in my guilt as Jaime told Mike what had happened. Vic looked like he was in so much pain, and it then occurred to me how baggy his shirt was on him. Not so baggy that he was practically non-existent, but it wasn't exactly tight-fitting.

'I'm sorry.'

'How long has he been in there?' Mike asked. No-one answered. Me, Mike and Jaime sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs outside the nurses office. Mike sat right by the door, with me in the middle and Jaime on my left.

The door opened us, taking our worried minds by surprise. We all jumped up and onto our feet. Vic came out looking angry at the nurse and uncomfortable. 'He's not too bad, just some bad bruising and slight pain for the next few days.' The cheerful nurse told us.

'You're free to go now, but can I see you for a second?' She directed this to me. I gulped and turned to the guys. 'Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow maybe.' I smiled and went into her office. 'I just need to check you over, see if you have any bruising or anything like that, okay?' Frowning, I started to protest. 'No - you really don't have to - I'm fine, really!' But my body told me otherwise when she pressed gently on the shoulder I had fell on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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