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After 14 years, we got news that the most powerful guild team is coming back to Fiore. Some people think its great. Some people despise of the idea.

The 'Team' had gone off on a five year quest, hoping to get closer together. The quest was to find Seven Artifacts that were lost to the human eye. It was supposed to be more like a riddle, more or less, so our smartest mage could've figured it out lickity-split. But that wasn't the case. They were requested immediately, and had no time to say goodbye to anyone.

They were a four person team, but if you counted the other cat, they would be five. I always wanted to join them, but considered myself too weak to join them. Even if I, myself, was a dragonslayer. For some reason, our only water mage was requested to go with them as well.

I'm now 26, and the Grand Magic Games are due any week now. Hopefully they all come back safely, just in time to compete in the Grand Magic Games. We always win every seven years, but we like to show off the most powerful in our guild. Even if that means other guilds try to capture them.

Every seven years, our guild has a competion to see who the top five are. Just for to compete in the Grand Magic Games of course.

Since we know that our most powerful team is coming, our guild master can only choose one.

"We're back Fairy Tail!!!"

I heard a cheery familiar voice call from the doors of our guild hall.
"NATSU!!!!" The whole guild cheered at our most powerful team, finally coming back from their supposedly
five year quest.

I started to cry, running toward them with open arms.
"Wendy?! You've grown so big!" It was Lucy, who looked alot older and prettier. Suddenly, I saw that she had some little girl behind her.

I looked over to Erza who was smiling and had another girl behind her.

I glanced over to Gray and Juvia, and Juvia smiled, with a boy and a girl standing behind her and Gray.

"Wait- WHAAA?!" I passed out, confused.

The Most Powerful TeamWhere stories live. Discover now