Just like old times...

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It's been three weeks and everyone's settling in just fine.
With only two more months until the Games, our new recruits are preparing and having fun meanwhile.
Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Juvia, and Gray are teaching them new techniques, and I'm helping a little here and there, healing whoever needs healing.
And Sylvia keeps asking me if she could learn healing, because she's a water mage just like Juvia. I teach her a little bit everyday, but I'm pretty sure it'll come in handy if she could heal herself, not others. She said that was how she wanted her healing to work; healing herself.

Nashi always came back after training with tons of burns or some ice shards stuck in her arm.
"I'm glad my mom's coming with us into the arena, but isn't she the weakest member of Fairy Tail, no offense?" Nashi said to me, when I was healing her wounds one month before the Games. I stopped healing her immediately.
"Lucy is actually the one of the strongest mages I've ever met. She's been through alot in her lifetime. Even if I don't know what. She's the only Celestial mage to call out three spirits out of the spirit world. She cries at the right moment, but still never gives up, no matter what. Don't say rude things about your mother."

I started to do the job manually, which was alot easier.
"I'm sorry Miss Wendy, I just don't think that my mom should be coming with us."
I shook my head.
"You'll see Nashi, you'll see."

As I was walking down the guild halls, everyone was chattering, the normal people at the guild board, and Natsu and Gray fighting at the guild board.

Wait, no that's Rin and Nashi! I started laughing so hard, that everyone at the guild stared at me.
"Uh, Wendy, is everything all right?" Mira walked over to me. I pointed at Nashi and Rin fighting. Mira noticed right away, and we burst out laughing again. Suddenly, everyone caught on and everyone in the guild was laughing, except for Gray, Rin, Natsu, and Nashi. They were still fighting over nothing, just like old times.

"What?!" They stopped fighting, noticing that everyone was laughing.

"JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!" everyone shouted in unison, then busted out laughing again.

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