Authors note

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Authors note

Im sorry i have not been active lately. I've been busy, ill, family ill so having to look after them. Stuff at school stressing me out, some people i thought that were my 'friends' causing me problems. I wont bore you with detials.

I wont be as active as i use to be (ignoring that long space between chapter 12-13) cause ive got my gcse's coming up, so i gotta revise for them. I'll try and find time, and write, but i wont be able to post much! :'(

Oh, and another thing. On another website, my friend mentioned a story that sounded like mine, but it was finished months ago, and there are 3 parts. Its like mine, how a girl is kidnapped, found by one direction, louis falls in love. but the verision my friend found was different, as it was harry's sister. And i dont wanna have people pointing fingers at me, saying that i copied. It was surely an accident, that we both had the same sort of idea.

And, i noticed, that their hasnt been any one direction/maximum ride storys (maximum ride is a great series by james patterson, check it out!) but...i've been reading percy jackson, and is on a percy jackson hype. heck, im gonna make blue chocolate chip cookies on wednesday in class because of it!

but enough of my rambleing. I've gotten an idea, of maby having some stuff happen, which will lead to something to go along with the percy jackson story or the maximum ride story... i've got an idea for both...tehe...

comment if you think this is a good idea, cause i would like to do this, not only to avoid pointing fingers, because i swear i didnt know that there was another story untill my friend pointed it out to me, but also because it might be fun!

sorry for not being active, dont be mad :(

Larney xx

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