Instant regret.

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Staring at his ceiling the blonde was deep in thought, not noticing that his butler had been trying to get his attention the entire time. "Master, your bath is ready." He told him, the blonde got up and went to the bathroom, stripping out of his clothes, relieved that the scars on his thighs were barely noticeable, he stepped into the warm water, laying back as the demon took off his gloves and lathered shampoo through his blonde locks.

"Sit up, your highness." He said, dumping water on his head after he thoroughly scrubbed his head, neck, and back. Bubbles flew up as the blonde moved around, he let out a little chuckle as he stretched out his index finger to pop one. "Look, claude." He said, blowing on one so it propelled towards the demon. It popped when coming in contact with his spectacles, which made the butler rather annoyed, quickly taking them off and cleaning them with his handkerchief.

Though, he didn't care that much, he resumed with cleaning the boy, "Lift up your legs." He said, alois' mind fled with instant regret now, the scars weren't that noticeable but claude would probably still see them without a doubt. He sighed with defeat, lifting up his legs slightly, as the bubbles covered his thighs and tummy, he arched his back slightly, raising them only a bit more so the ravenette could do his job.

After he was done he helped the blonde out of the tub and dried him from head to toe, he fetched a clean pair of clothes for the young earl, quirking a brow as he helped him into his slacks. "Pardon me, master, but what is this?" He asked, eyeing the many scars that covered his thighs. The blondes heart started to race as he tried to think of an excuse.

"I-I fell, when I was running through the halls." He said, his voice shaky, the demon stared at him with those golden irises, which filled him with fear throughout his body. That stare. He felt a chill down his spine. "Is that so." The stare got even more intense, as if he was trying to read his mind, studying the blondes body language. "Yes, I fell pretty hard." He said, stretching the lie even further. "Accidents happen!" He added, sounding a bit more confident, even though that was nothing like him, which boggled the demons mind.

"You must be more careful." The butler said, though that wasn't really the truth. He obviously said that to spare his feelings because he was only a child, not wanting such a valuable life to be damaged, well, his meal.


I might actually be able to add more than one chapter today considering some people want me to keep writing! Which is really sweet. I love getting feedback~

~ Bipolar Blondie

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