So close.

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The blonde woke up in his own bed, his left hand was wrapped in plaster. He had really hoped that death had took him, but no. His worried butler rushed into the room with a roll of plaster. "Good morning your highness, I'm just here to change your bandages." He said in his normal monotone voice, apparently he wasn't going to ask about what happened. Alois winced as he unwrapped his bloody cut up hand, the demon didn't look up though, he could smell the red liquid, it was so in reach he could almost taste it. Though he had control, he changed his bandages and made sure there wasn't any shards of glass in the wounds, thankfully there wasn't, the blonde held back his tears.

"Make sure that you stay hydrated, wouldn't want you passing out again."
So he didn't care much about the fact that the earls hand was probably broken, but the blonde didn't care, he was so close. But of course there was one thing keeping him from reaching that goal, that damned butler of his. The ravenette pushed up his spectacles, "I scheduled an appointment with a specialist to help you sort out your problems." He said as the blonde groaned with annoyance, instantly feeling offended. "Cancel it." He said sternly, turning over and burying his face in the pillows, not caring about what time it was.

The hours passed by as the blonde was in agonizing pain, though in a way, it  felt good to him. Just that numbing feeling and that rush of adrenaline. He craved more, though he feared it would annoy his butler to the point of snapping. Oh how he would love to see that though, he wondered what his claude looked like when he was angry.

He looked around his room, feeling self conscious about the fact someone could be watching his every move, though there was nothing but the occasional breeze that came through the window. He slowly got up and went to the small bathroom which connected to his bedroom and he locked the door, reaching behind the sink and pulling out the razor blades he kept there for so long, he wanted to make this as painful as he could, so he turned the tub on, and he stepped in.

The water was kinda cold, but he didn't mind, he started to get comfortable as he lifted up his legs and trailed the blade delicately across his porcelain skin, watching as the red dissolved into the water, making it a cloudy pink color, as he continued the red became darker, though when he was finished, he stepped out and drained the tub, dried himself off thoroughly, then went back to bed after hiding the blades where they were originally, he was able to sleep now, his cuts were clean and not too deep, they would scar by morning. Being in the same place as the others his butler wouldn't really suspect a thing, at least that's what he hoped.

[] Time Skip. []

The sun beamed through the curtains, which his butler abruptly opened so the room lit up instantly, the blonde groaned and rubbed his eyes as he sat up. "Warn me first before you try that again." The demon narrowed his eyes at the earl. 'For a child he has one sharp tongue.' he thought to himself as he undressed the boy and helped him into his daily attire as always, making sure to avoid his wounded hand that was wrapped in bloodied bandages, he changed them once again and helped the blonde up, of course he had to help him around he manor until his hand healed up, so he carried his master bridal style and walked to the dinning area, sitting his sleepy earl down.

He blonde barely picked at his breakfast, which worried Hannah and the others. Though they couldn't really bud in because claude apparently told them the earl wasn't in the mood for anyone's shenanigans. In other words, he's crazy, or mentally unstable.

This really pissed off the blonde, he wanted to have a talk with claude but he probably wouldn't understand, he didn't care for him that much, he only kept his eyes on the prize, the fact that he was growing hungrier each day and that his master would be one hell of a feast when the time came.

Alois just sat there, truly heartbroken at the fact that his buler didn't have any feelings for such an innocent life. He was just a demon after all, when its over he will just move on to his next victim, the same cycle between butler and earl starting again. He loved claude though, and he wanted him to know that as well.

Without a word he got up on his own, and ran off as he used the walls to support his balance. He didn't care about anything but himself and his feelings at this point, he couldn't really look at his claude the same way either. He remembered that day, when the demon looked at him with those eyes, he cared for him. The blonde finally made it up to his room and climbed into his bed, and as he suspected, the spider butler followed.

"You can sit on the bed." He said to the ravenette, it wasn't an order, just a gesture. The demon sat down on the side of the bed, icy blue meeting golden. "Claude, can I ask you a question." The blonde started, his eyes never leaving the butlers. The demon nodded in reply. "Do you love me?" He asked, trying to find a reaction of some kind, but nothing changed. The butler sighed and pushed up his spectacles. "I respect you." He said, glaring at the child.

"No, I mean, do you fancy me..?" He said in a small voice, hoping that the demon didn't pick up what he said. Though he did, he played with those words in his head for a moment as the two stood in silence. The blonde couldn't stand the silence anymore, so he just cut off the conversation with a simple 'nevermind' running out to the garden as the regret of saying those words washed over him.


Aww, poor alois. ;-;
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
We'll see how this goes, I'm liking the suspense.

~ Bipolar Blondie

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