My Little Secret

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Toni's POV

God... I don't know about this album with Kenny... I know he likes me, but damn I don't like him like that... Tamar is the only one knows that I'm-

Toni's phone starts to ring getting her attention.

Toni: "Hello?"

Kenny: "Hey Tone!"

Toni: "Oh hey Kenny!"

Kenny: "I was wondering if you could come to the studio to listen to a few songs I wrote for the album?"

Toni: "Yeah sure! Give me twenty minutes! I have to get the boys up and ready so they can go to Keri's house."

Kenny: "See you in a few!!"

Kenny's POV

Damn... Toni is so sexy to me, but I wonder if she likes me in that way, but she's always around women and not many men. Toni isn't even a lesbian...Wait a minute... I have to ask her about that when she comes to the studio.

Toni goes to Denim and Diezel's room.

"Denim and Diezel! Get your things together and get ready to go to your Dad's house for a couple of hours." Toni says to Denim and Diezel.

"Okay Mom!!" Denim and Diezel both says to Toni.

"Okay, if you two aren't ready. You two will not be getting any shoes when I get back from the Studio!" Toni giggles and says to them.

Denim and Diezel gets up and starts to getting ready and rushing down stairs putting Bentley in his cage.

Toni's phone starts to ring.

Toni: "Hello?"

???: "Hey Baby."

Toni: "Hey Babe. I miss you."

???: "I miss you more! Are you going to the studio today Baby?"

Toni: "Yes I am! I'll talk to you when I'm out the studio baby! Love you Baby!!"

???: "I love you too baby"

A/N: I'm sorry it's short. I had a rough time coming up with a start to begin the story with so I hope you enjoy it!!!  

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