Why Didn't You Tell me...

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~The Next Day~

Toni's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling great..

"Mm.." I mumble, while getting off of Kenny..

I get up, heading for the bathroom. Until I hear Kenny's phone vibrate.. I pick his phone up, unlocking his phone. Yes, he gave the password to his phone! Once I unlocked his phone, I see Tamar blowing up his phone.. I read all of their texts..

A/N: This is previous texts from Tamar and Kenny..

Tamar: "Kenny.. I know that you love me.."

Kenny: "I don't fucking love you, you know you were wrong! You knew that Toni would break up with me, once she saw you riding me! I hate you!!"

Tamar: "I did that because I love you!! Why won't you love me!! Ken.. Please!"

Kenny: "Can you please leave me the fuck alone!!! Ugh Tamar!"

Tamar: "Nope.. I'm going to get what I want.."

I keep reading their texts, seeing something that makes me want to kill Kenny..

Kenny: "You're not going to get what you want Tamar Estine Braxton Herbert!"

Tamar: "You mean Tamar Estine Braxton Edmonds, right?"

Kenny: "Fuck you and that baby!"

Tamar: "I'm keeping this baby that you gave me.. Oh and I'll be back... Just trust me.. Toni is going to regret everything you did with her.."

I read every text message they had together. I wanted to kill Kenny.. I put his phone back down, going back to the bathroom, starting the shower.

"Ooo! I'm going to kill that nigga!" I say to myself, taking off my clothes and gets in the shower.

I start to wash my body, until I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey baby.." Kenny whispers in my ear, I just close my eyes.

"Oh Hey Kenny.." I just close my eyes, trying not to punch him in his face..

"I had fun with you last night.." He whispers into my ear, rubbing my sides.

"Mhmm.. Did you really..?" I say to him, washing my body.

"Of course I did!" He says with his soft and low voice.

"Mhmm.." I just keep nodding my head, while washing my body. I rinse my body off and gets out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body.

Once I get done drying off, I get into some shorts and a tank top, going to the twins room.

"Hey Mommy's babies." I say in my soft baby voice. I pick Kennedy up and goes to the rocking chair, feeding her.

Peyton comes and sits on the floor.

"Mommy.. You look mad." Peyton says to me.

"Um, Pey. I am mad, but I can't tell you why I'm mad.." I say to her, in my low voice.

"Was it Daddy again, because I heard you screaming his name last night.." Peyton says to me, making me stop what I'm doing.

"You heard me and daddy?" I look up at her, while holding Kennedy.

"Yeah.. You were grunting his name or something, oh and I heard banging against the walls.. I think you said something about 'Coming' too." Peyton says to me, looking at me.

"Wow. Okay.. Um, go to your brothers room and go play some video games.." I say to her in disbelief..

"Okay Mommy.." Peyton says, running out the room.

"Kenneth Brian Edmonds! Get in here now!" I yell, sounding like his mom calling him.

He rushes to the twins room.

"Yeah baby?" He says, holding the towel around his waist.

"We have to talk.." I just look at him, sighing deeply.

"Is this good or bad..?" He looks back at me, but he stares into my eyes..

"Why didn't you tell me..." I just look at him with disgust. "By my own damn sister.. My own sister Kenneth.. You were going to hide another damn baby from me..." tears start to form in my eyes..

"Toni.. I was going to tell you, but I knew how you were going to react.."

"Kenny, how is the baby going to address you? Daddy or Uncle Kenny? Huh ever think about that!" I yell to the top of my lungs, pissed off and hurt... Kennedy and Kenneth started to cry..

"Toni..." I hear him say my name, I ignore him, crying.

"Can you stop calling my name..." I tell him, while giving the twins their bottle and changes their diapers.

"No, I will fight for this relationship.. I don't care what it takes... I want you to be my wife..." Kenny says, walking to me.

"I'm just about done with you, Kenneth.. You've hurt me too many damn times.. Can't you just be that one man that doesn't cheat, loves on me, comes home when you're supposed to... Why can't I be the only one you sleep with... Why do you always have to touch other women.. You're always saying sorry, and you're always saying baby this and baby that.. You know what makes it even worse, I keep letting your ass in, because I'm too damn blind to realize it.. Every time you tell me, you love me. I always fucking fall for your ass!! If you kiss me or touch me I get weak, wanting your ass back!! I'll be dammed if I fall for your ass again Kenneth! I hate your ass Kenny!! Why can't I be happy.. Why can't you love me Kenneth... Why Kenneth... Why..?" I say to him, my face drenched in tears.

"Tone.. I was h-" I cut him off, by slapping the shit out of his face.

"I don't want to hear it Kenneth.. Just get your shit and leave.. Please.. Just leave.. I don't want to see your face... The only time I want to see your face is when you come see the kids..." I keep crying, putting the twins back in their crib. I walk out leaving him in shock..

I wipe my face, going to the kids.

"If were going on a trip, where would you want to go...?" I say to them, sniffing a bit..

"London!" Peyton shouts.

"Rome!" Diezel says, while playing 2k.

"Jamaica or the Caribbean!" Denim shouts while on his phone.

"I like em.. Maybe we can take a trip..." I sigh, smiling a bit.

"Alright Mom! That's fine by me!" Denim says.

"Yay! My first trip with Mommy Toni! Is Daddy going..." Peyton says, making me teary eyed.

"Um, its just going to be us six, including the twins.. So, no Daddy is not going on this one..." I say sighing loudly, leaving the room... I walk into my room, laying down. I just need a stress free environment... I start to fall asleep...

Tamar's POV:

It's been a few months and I still haven't told Vince about the baby, but I guess now is the best time to tell him..

"Vince!! Can you come up here for a second..." I yell his name, holding Logan close to me, while he is on his tablet.

I hear footsteps come up the stairs.

"Yeah Tayme?" Vince says to me.

"Can you sit down on the bed, I have something to tell you.." I sigh hard.

"Alright.. What is it..?" Vince says, looking at me worried..

"I'm pregnant.." I say, smiling and sighing.

"That's great.. I'm glad I get to have another baby by you! I'm so happy!" Vince looks at me with excitement..

"Yeah.. Me too..." I look at Logan, rubbing his back. "I also have something else to tell you..." I sigh loudly.

"Mhmm, what is it?"

"The baby isn't yours... It's Kenny's baby.. As in Toni's Kenny..." I look at him, worried and scared...

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