I Think Its Time...

491 29 16

~Two Days Later~

Kenny's POV:

I can't believe Tamar... She had the fucking nerve to lie on me.. She knows damn well, I wouldn't do shit like that to Toni! I'll admit that I did cheat on her twice, but those two times with Tamar, I don't count those times... All I know is that I need to get my woman back into my life!!!

I hop out of bed, going to the shower. I walk to the bathroom, turning the shower on. I check to see if the water is warm enough to get in. Once it gets warm I hop in the shower. I take a good twenty minute shower. I get out, going to the closet. I get out a suit, with my favorite pair of sunglasses. I put on the cologne that Toni loves... I put on a pair of sneakers with my suit. Once I get dressed I walk to Peyton's room, waking her up.

"Peyton Baby, Get up.." I say to her, shaking her softly.

"Nooo, I don't want to.." Peyton groans, tossing and turning.

"Okay, I guess you don't want to see Mommy Toni.." I say to her, picking out her outfit for the day.

"We're going to see Mommy Toni today!?" Peyton says, while jumping out of bed. I smile and nod at her.

"Yes we are! Go brush your teeth and come put on your clothes when you get done!" I say to Peyton, smiling and putting her outfit on the bed. I get her pink converse out with her outfit.

"Yes Sir!!" Peyton yells and runs to the bathroom. I go downstairs, taking the flowers and the strawberries out of the refrigerator that I had for her. I wait for Peyton to come downstairs.. I grab Toni's ring puts it in my pocket. Five minutes later, I hear Peyton coming down the stairs..

"Ready baby girl?" I say getting up and grabbing the roses and strawberries.

"Yes Daddy!!" Peyton says to me, making me smile. I grab my keys and heads out the door. I lock the door once Peyton is out of the house. I help Peyton into the car, buckling her in. I get into the driver seat and starts the car up. I pull off to go to Toni's house. Peyton starts to sing. I smile as I drive to her house.

We arrive five minutes later. I pull up in the driveway. I get the flowers and strawberries out, helping Peyton out of the car. We both walk up to the door, knocking on the door. Thirty seconds later Toni opens the door.. I hope I can get her back..

Toni's POV:

When I open the door, I see Kenny standing there with flowers and strawberries.. Peyton runs into my arms, I pick her up kissing her cheek.

"Mommy Toni.. Please forgive Daddy again..." Peyton says to me in a sad voice.

"It depends on what he has to say to me.." I say to Peyton, holding her..

"Toni... I know what you are thinking, but I didn't have control over her... She forced me to have sex with her... I love you way too damn much to cheat on you again.. I hate that shit... I love you Tone. You know I will never stop loving you... You have my heart, soul, and body.. I can't see a world without Toni Michele Braxton in it... I love myself some Toni... You don't even understand... I may have put you through hell and back, but at the end of the damn day, I fucking love your ass... I don't care if we break up, make up, I'm always going to be right here by your side... I don't want to leave you... I want my Tone back... Please can I have my Tone back?" Kenny says to me, while I see him crying... I take off his glasses, looking into his eyes.

"Kenny..." I say to him, wiping his tears off his face. I kiss his lips softly. I put Peyton down, letting her go upstairs to see Denim and Diezel.. Kenny wraps his arms around my waist, we keep kissing... I smile against his lips..

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