2. Bye Texas

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*Picture of Kaylee*
Bright pink= Neon pink

Becky's POV.
I couldn't belive me, Kaylee and mom have moved to England! Omg! Why am I so happy about that..? The school is maybe shit.

I walked around admiring my new room. It was beautiful. It had one black wall and three bright pink. I had a black bed with a white cover. A black table with a bright pink little lamp on it. It had a big rug that was black, bright pink and white.

I took up my old computer and started to play sims 4 on it. After I did three characters the computer screen went black. Uuugggghhhh!!!! It was really old and the fan on it was broken so it turned of after thirty minutes.

I walked to the kitchen and took an apple. I didn't like apples so much but it's better than nothing.

Me and Kaylee had school tommorow. No one is going to think we are twins. She is probably going to be popular as hell and every boy wants to be her boyfriend. And I' m going to be the forever alone meme...

~The day after~

I didn't care to much how I looked. I took on a my glasses and a big sweater. I took on.my jeans and did my hair really easy.

I knew that how much I tried I wouldn't be popular...

I walked to the school with Kaylee. She always protected me from bullies... If she was near at least...

When we were there I heard a clock turn on and everyone runned inside the school

/Skylar. M<3

School life *Jack Harries fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now