7. Sure

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Becky's POV.

I woke up with a headache and I didn't feel good at all.

I ran to the toilet, and there was Emma........ She was puking in the toilet...

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"What does it look like" she said in between her puking.

I walked out and some time after Emma walked out without makeup and other clothes on.

"Do you have a clean toothbrush?" Emma asked.

I nodded and took a new toothbrush to Emma.

"Thanks" She said.

I smiled.

"Who were you hanging out with?" I asked

"Finn, Kaylee, Kim and two other girls" She said.

"And you?" She asked.

"Jack, Lexi, Ally and another boy" I answered.

Emma borrowed some of my makeup and covered her red and blue face.

We ate breakfast and took a picture of Kaylee when she was sleeping.

She was drooling, her makeup was everywere in her face, her hair stood up like it wanted to be shot up in the space.

After a pair of hours I asked if Emma wanted to hang in her house.

Emma shaked her head in a no and said that she wanted to go home now.

Emma walked home and I still looked like a questionmark.


School life *Jack Harries fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now