Coffee Catastrophe

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Lizzie: "what the, it's a Saturday; my alarm shouldn't go off-wait it's SATURDAY"
Lizzie rushes through her drawers and throws on a pair of jeans and her striped shirt she's was wearing yesterday
Lizzie: "I can't believe I forgot I have a job interview today!" Lizzie rushes to her mirror and quickly dabs on some concealer, winged eyeliner and does her brows
Lizzie: "Buddy I'll be back soon"
Buddy meows angrily and goes back to sleep. Lizzie heads out the door throws on a leather jacket while jogging out her flat. While trying to screw on the cap of her mug of coffee Lizzie spots a yellow cab about to leave
Lizzie: "Wait!" Lizzie is jogging-practically running to the cab when suddenly somone turns around to face Lizzie and coffee spilled all over Lizzie's shirt
Lizzie: *gasp* "Damn it!"
Stranger: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!
Lizzie looked up and saw herself looking into this strangers warm brown eyes.
Lizzie thinks to herself: "This isn't the time to be daydreaming Lizzie, get it together!"
Stranger: "Here take my scarf, it is quite chilly and it will cover up the stain"
Lizzie: "Um, thanks, I'm late for a meeting I better be going"
Stranger: "Oh sure"
The stranger opened the door for Lizzie and she gets into the cab
Stranger: "My name is-" Then Lizzie closed the door and the cab drove off
Stranger: "Joel by the way..."

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