Meeting Mishap

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Lizzie is sitting in the cab, her foot tapping furiously on car floor. She checks the time too much to count and practises her speech
Cab Driver: "Ok off you go so I'll never see you and you and your pink hair again"
Lizzie: "How much?"
Cab Driver: "Oh that boy paid for you- surprisingly"
Lizzie: "Oh, really?"
Cab Driver: "Ya okay so he fell for the hair, now get out of my cab!"
Lizzie opened the door and stepped out-only to be faced with something more terrifying, her meeting.
She took a few deep breaths and walked inside and onto the elevator.
There she met a pretty girl with tan skin and purple hair.
Stranger: "You might want to shift your scarf a little to the left, unless you're interested into becoming a barista"
Lizzie: "Oh thanks"
Stranger: "My name is Yammy by the way"
Lizzie: "Yammy eh? I've been meeting all these strange people today; this stranger even paid for my cab!"
As Lizzie said that, she only started the get a whif of the scarf, cinnamon and well, coffee
Yammy: "Sounds like he's interested, good luck with your meeting!"
Yammy got off and Lizzie got off at the next floor. Lizzie walked acrossed the hall-fingers crossed and entered the meeting room.

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