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Lizzie, Yammy and Joel talk, joke and have a great time at the cafe until it starts raining-
Yammy: "we should probably get going because one likes soggy pizza"
Lizzie & Joel: Yea
Yammy: "Okay you two lovebirds go have a romantic movie scene in the rain or something, I'll be going back to my flat"
Yammy smirked leaving Lizzie and Joel blushing like crazy
Lizzie: "I'll be back at my flat if wanna watch a movie later"
Joel: "Ya sure I'll drop by"
Lizzie scribbles her address and number on a napkin and hands it to Joel and smiles.
Lizzie goes back to her flat and takes a bubble bath and changes into her tiger onesie. Then she wipes off all her annoying makeup and puts her hair into a messy bun. Suddenly the doorbell rings and she totally forgot Joel was coming.
Lizzie thinks: "Hmm those are probably my cat socks I ordered from Japan"
Lizzie opens the door only to find herself face to face with Joel and that cinnamon smell lingering on his sweater.
Lizzie blinks and Joel pulls her forwards and kisses her.
Joel: "Um, can I come in?" Lizzie: "Yea" she says faintly
Joel turned on Netflix while Lizzie sits on the couch, her lips still tingling from the kiss. Joel sits down beside her and as the hours pass and the storm wiped the electricity out and it was completely dark.
Lizzie: "I guess we'll end the movie there"
Lizzie puts her head on Joel's shoulder and Joel wrapped his arms around Lizzie after he thought she was asleep
Joel kisses Lizzie gently on her lips and whispers " I love you Lizzie"
Lizzie, supposedly asleep, whispers "I love you Joel" and she made his mistake of thinking he was asleep too

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