Chapter - 1

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{Alyssa P.O.V}

The audience soars and claps as I strut down the runway. The feeling of being famous. Everyone cheering for me as I strike a pose at the end of the runway. It all feels amazing. Too good to be true in fact.

I wake up to the sound of Centuries - Fall Out Boy blasting through my room. I groan and slam my alarm clock. Jess bursts the door open and sings on the top of her voice, "Get Out, Get Out, Get Out of the bed!!". {A/N : See what I just did there? ;) }

Jessica is my hyperactive best friend. I have no idea where she gets all this energy from so early in the morning. She must have caffeine running through her veins.

"I regret inviting you to stay over last night.", I murmur. She chuckles. I freshen up and walk downstairs. The aroma of my mom's freshly made pancakes brightens my morning mood instantly.

I grab a plate of pancakes for myself. My mom snatches it away from my hand and says, "No dear, this is for Jess. You have to stick to your diet.", she says with a stern look.Jess is such a foodie. Oh, the disadvantages of wanting to be a model.

"Today's the big day dearie.", My mom says with a reassuring smile. I rest my head in my hands. Right. Today's the day I try out to be one of the Victoria's Secret Angels. Just thinking about it gets my heart pumping faster.

"She'll definitely get in. Proper height, Amazing figure, Gorgeous features, what more do you need?", Jess proudly tells my mom. I elbow her from the side.

She turns and whispers to me so that my mom wouldn't hear,"Knock them dead with those legs, Hottie.", she says with a smirk. I playfully hit her shoulder and roll my eyes. I really want this gig. It means the world to me.


My drive to the venue of the tryouts along with Jess. As we arrive, my breath hitches when I see the size of the building.

It is Humongous!! We enter the insanely huge building just in time to hear a lady explaining something to someone. I enter the auditorium where the tryouts are being held.

Right in the middle, sits THE SHAREN TURNEY!! The CEO of Victoria's Secret!! Along with a long line of gorgeous girls that I'm pretty sure are here for the tryouts. She was telling the auditionees how to properly catwalk. Jess looks pretty starstruck.

"You're late!", she says with a frown. "That's one thing I cannot tolerate!", she adds in. Jess and I pardon ourselves while I join the group to hear tips on how to properly catwalk from Sharen.


A long detailed explanation later:

She sent us backstage to do all the necessary stuff. Outfit Selection, Make up, Hair styling etc.

The assistance gather all the girls backstage. As we hear the music starting to play, one by one, the girls start to strut.

I'm supposed to strut last. It's the second last girl's turn to strut. While she was walking back, her heel slipped causing her to almost fall of the stage.

She quickly got back up and finished her turn like nothing happened. My heart was beating really fast thinking that I'd mess up really bad.

I step out to the runway, and start to strut. I could hear Jess cheering out loud as soon as she saw me.I looked at her just to result in her winking at me. I smile. I reached the end of the runway and posed like I was blowing a kiss. Turned around and finished my turn.

Sharen Turney was standing up and clapping!! It felt like a moment on Britain's Got Talent when Simon Cowell gives you a standing applause.


Sharen takes her clipboard and congratulates us on doing a good job. We write down our contact information.

"I shall contact you if you are selected. As you all know, there are only 3 spots open. I shall be able to choose only 3 of the best!", Sharen exclaims. I exit the auditorium along with the other girls. Jess runs and envelopes me into a hug.

"You were amazing out there, hottie!", she screams into my ear. I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Want to go for a movie? I don't really feel like going home at the moment.", I ask her. She nods eagerly.


"I'd like some buttered popcorn, 2 Pepsi's and some nachos w/ cheese, please.", I ask the guy at the counter. I pay for the food and head out to look for a certain best friend. I accidentally bump into someone who's face was covered by his hoodie.

He wore a blue hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans. Hands in his pockets. I couldn't see his face clearly but what I could see was his lovely brown curly locks peeping out of the hoodie.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get cheese all over your hoodie.", I say quickly. I rest everything down on the table nearby and quickly take out my handkerchief and dab it at the spot with cheese. Which only seems to worsen it.

"It's Alright! I have plenty of these at home. I guess I'll have to keep this hoodie somewhere safe. It's not everyday when a beautiful girl like you makes a permanent mark on my clothes.", He says while attempting to stop me from trying to get it off. He takes my hand and places a light kiss on the back of it. What a gentleman!

I blush at his words and actions. I detect a slight British accent. I still can't properly see his face. But I can see his gorgeous green orbs staring intensely at me.

"I didn't catch your name.", He says. I cross my arms and say, "Yeah. That's because I don't give my name out to complete strangers.", I say with a smirk.


I face palm myself. If I could see his face right now, I bet he would be smirking. He holds a hand out to me,"So, Alyssa, My name is Harry. Harry Styles. Pleasure to finally have a name with that beautiful face.", he says. "You mean like the Calvin Klein model Harry Styles!?", I say teasingly. "Yeah, Alyssa. Kinda like that.", He says while scratching the back of his neck. "Call me Aly.", I reply with a smile.

"HARRY! OVER HERE, MATE!", a group of guys with similar hoodies call out. "Well, I gotta go, Aly. See you later? ", he asks. "Hopefully. ", I respond with a nod.

As he walks away, Jess catches up to me. "Who was that?", she asks staring at Harry's back as he walks towards his friends. "Just a really sweet guy I accidentally 'bumped' into.", I respond with a smile. She nods.

We both grab our food and walk to the room where the chick flick movie that Jess selected was playing.

{A/n : I hope you like the first chapter of this story. I took a really long time to write it. That is a pic of Alyssa on top. I think she is gorgeous. I definitely will try to make the chappies longer and longer ;) }

Don't forget to :




Love you all!!

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