Chapter - 3

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{Alyssa P.O.V}

Guess what? That lottery ticket. was. a. FAKE! 

I know. My dad was fuming! My prankster of a cousin brother was planning this as revenge for a really long time. Ever since my dad pulled a prank on him. He vowed to take revenge. Who would have ever known that my lame-o cousin brother would be pals with guy who hosted that show? This prank war has been going for years!


Jessica (my dumb friend) has been... Grrr... setting me up in these internet dating sites. Which i was totally against. I guess she just likes doing it. To mess with me. One of those dates, is today. With some dude named 'Dave'.  I gotta get ready.


I was waiting outside for my 'date' to arrive. Who was already 15 minutes late. That's when a Mclaren Sport came cruising down the street. I was like, "Could it be?, Could it be?". I ran towards the front gate of the house. That car passed by me like a breeze. I was about to blow a fuse.

That's when an Alpha Romeo parked next to me. I peeped into the car to see, a guy with blonde hair, and not-so-very-appealing-pearly-white-smile. It looked liked he had noodles on his head. Very yellow noodles. The car is kinda cool though.

He asked, "Alyssa?". I nodded. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! I'm Dave.", he added. Introductions finished and I got into the car. "I have always wanted to come on this date with you! I'm so glad that you accepted to come on this date!", he said. While he was talking, all I could think of was how hard I'll kick Jessica's behind when I reach home.


As we arrive, I can feel the stinging pain of my left ear going deaf. How is it scientifically possible for a 'guy' to talk this much?

He opens the door for me. Hmm. He has a few good qualities though. He said,"I made reservations at Delmonico's". "That is so sweet of you!", I say. Apparently, Jessica even told him my favorite fine dining restaurant.

He ordered for the both of us. I'm not really fond of lobster, but I didn't want to say anything. "Then, there was this one time, when I was winning 1st prize trophies, because my football skills are so amazing and-", he went on and on and on. I was getting really sick of it.

The lobster was okay. Not really my kind of food. That's when he got up. "I have to go for a smoke break", he said. That did it. That was the last straw. "Dave, it was really nice to meet you. This is not going to work. 'We' are not going to work. And it's getting really late. I have to go.", I said. He had an irritated look on his face and nodded. "Whatever. Do what you want.", he harshly responded. That struck where it hurt.

I just turned around and walked-ran to the exit of the dining hall. My arms folded and tears slowly beginning to stream down my face. Spoiling my mascara little at a time.

As I ran looking down, I literally collided into someone so hard that the person was knocked over to the floor along with me. This kind of stuff seem to be running in my blood. I slowly get up. I say, "Sorry, this is all my fau-". Little did I notice whom I knocked over.

The most perfect specimen to ever exist. His face is scientifically symmetrical, his eyelashes are longer than Covergirl mascara models, his eyes sparkle brighter than Sirius, his jaw line is so sharp it's offensive, his perfect nose, his lips are pinker than freshly blossomed petunias, his slightly tanned skin that wears no signs of scarring. His raven- coloured hair, styled to perfection. Those deep hazel brown eyes which hold a lot of meaning. Yes, the one and only, Zayn Malik. The No.1 model of the Calvin Klein Industry.

I didn't waste any time. That was the longest 20 seconds of my life. I got up and walked towards the main exit. I couldn't help but feel the gaze of him behind me. On the way back home, I couldn't help but remember those eyes. Those deep meaningful eyes that look like they hold secrets. Secrets hidden away from the world.

Jess will totally not believe what just happened.

{A/N : Sorry for the small chapters these days. The thing is, I hardly get enough time. The waiting will pay off, because I have a lot of stuff in store for you all ;) . "All good things come to those who wait".}

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