Chapter - 4

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.."No way!", "Yes way!", "NO FREAKING WAY!","YES FREAKING WAY!!!".

Just like I predicted. Jess would never believe me. Here I am, too shocked to even believe that I saw THE Zayn Malik! It completely registered in my head only as I walked out into the cold wind, all the way home, there were no taxis available.

"Why don't those kind of things happen to me!? How did he look up close!? Does he look as hot as he looks in those pictures!? Or not!? Is he built? What colour is his ey-", she rambled on while waving her hands in the air. "So you believe me??", I ask. "Is that all you got out of all the things I said!?", she said with her eyes narrowed at me and eyebrows raised. "How am I supposed to know all that!? I saw him only for like 3 seconds!", I exclaimed. "You're still lucky", she said poking me in the ribs.


That's when I get a call.
Incoming call : Sharen Turney
I accept.

Me : Hello? (In a nervous voice)

Sharen : I need to speak to Alyssa Parker immediately.

Me : Yes, That's me.

Sharen : I have no time to chit-chat, so I'm going straight to the point. You have to get to Victoria's Secret Headquarters, at 12 on the dot. We have a new winter collection. Do light make-up and come. Such as foundation, concealer, etc. So I think you know the drill.

She hangs up.

Jessica's jaw drops, as well as mine. Literally to the floor. I feel faint. Jess screams, " I KNEW YOU WOULD MAKE IT! With those legs. ;) ".

I'm speechless. There is a firework show going on, in my stomach. I will explode from joy.
Jess stayed over that night. Again. We fell asleep with smiles on our faces.


I wake up to the bright sunshine that enters my room as someone opens the window. Dad. I look at the clock. Oh no.

11:30 a.m

I jumped out of bed. Woke up the log that was sleeping with me. Jess. I told her what time it was. Panic filled the air. Squeals and screams. My dad was shocked to see both of us out of bed and all dressing up, the second time he entered the room. He held his heart area and was faking a heart attack because of that. Both of us giggled at the sight of that.He offered to drop us and I nodded, as Jessica shooed him out of the room to get me ready.


I enter the Headquarters. My mouth agape. My handbag around my shoulder. I walk in towards where a bunch of girls were huddled together. Little did I notice that my makeup mirror fell out of my bag. I felt a light tapping on my right shoulder. I turned around to face a familiar set of green eyes and curls. I have seen those before. This was Harry Styles!! But I couldn't have met him before. Must have seen those green eyes and curls on someone else. Just like the guy at the movies. "Here you go", He says. "Alyssa", he continues. My eyes shot up to look at him in shock. How the heck does he know my name!!!??? "Uh... I'm sorry, but have we met before?", I ask with a puzzled look.

He smirks and lets out a small laugh. "Oh yeah, of course you wouldn't remember me", He said while running his hands through his curls. "Am I supposed to?", I asked with a sheepish smile. He came closer. So close that his lip brushed by my ear. "I'm the guy who you wouldn't tell your name to at the movies", he whispered. He walked off but looked back once and a smirk appeared on his face. I'm thankful he didn't look back properly. I must look like a tomato.

Wow. That was fast......I reached the group. Sharen Turney glanced at me for a mili-second before going back to addressing the girls.


Walking. Cat-walking. Do's and Don'ts. There were demonstrations as well. That's when they told that we would be having partners..........Ooookay. Sharen Turney then said that this was going to be the biggest fashion show ever yet. We were going to do a fashion show with 2 brands. Victoria's Secret and.....
Calvin Klein.

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