Chapter 4: What Do You Mean They Took Her!?

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Demi's POV

I walked out of the room and looked around for Marie so I could adopt Lily. I went to the living room and saw all the kids sitting around talking and playing. I turned my head to the right and saw that there was a hallway. I started walking there and met Scarlet halfway.

"Are you looking for Marie so you can sign my adoption papers?" Scarlet asked sickly.

"No I'm looking for Marie so I can sign Lily's papers," I replied. She dropped her smile and glared at me.

"Why are you gonna adopt that Mexican trash? Out of everyone here, you choose her? You know she's a freak right? She just sits on the roof and cries like a big baby and she's a stupid emo," she said. glaring at me.

"She is not trash and yes, out of everyone here, I choose her. You shouldn't go around saying mean things about people. It's not right. Now, where is Marie?" I asked, slowly losing my patience. She stepped aside and pointed to her left. I smiled as I thanked her and began to walk down the hall she had indicated. I continued walking until I found Marie. She was sitting in a blue chair with some reading glasses on. I cleared my throat and she immediately looked up from her reading.

"Have you made your decision Ms. Lovato?" she asked.

"Yes I want to adopt Lilliana," I said as I smiled brightly. Her face fell and she muttered a simple "yes" before motioning for me to follow her to another room. It looked like another office but it seemed much nicer than her other one. She opened a drawer in her desk and took out several papers. She picked up a pen that was laying on her desk and started writing hurriedly. After about 10 minutes, she turned the papers over and shoved the pen into my hand.

"Sign here, here, and here," she said as she pointed at the lines. I quickly signed them and handed her pen back. She looked over the papers one last time and then she said, "Alright you are officially the parent of Lilliana Garcia Lovato. I'm gonna go tell Lily that she can pack up her stuff." Marie got up and left the room. I sat down patiently and began to think of the many ways Lilliana & I can bond when I heard a scream. I immediately stood up and looked around to find the source. I heard loud footsteps hurriedly running to the room I was in. I was about to run away until I saw it was Marie.

"Who screamed?" I asked her. Marie was panting and had a look of panic on her face.

"Someone took her," she panted out. I furrowed my brows at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Someone took Lilliana. They just snatched her away," Marie said. My heart felt like it jumped up to my throat.

"Oh my God we have to call the police!" I yelled as I took my phone out. As I was punching in the numbers, someone knocked on the door. Marie went to go open it and I followed. The police were already at the door.

"Marie?" the officer asked.

"Yes that's me," she replied.

"It seems that one of our prisoners has escaped and we believe that he may have come here," the officer stated.

"Why'd you think he'd come here?" I asked. The officer looked at me and said, "He's been saying for months that he was gonna try to escape to get his daughter, Lilliana, back."

Author's Note!

Hello everyone! So I finally got a new laptop from school hooray!:D *Happy dance* 

I wanted to post this yesterday in honor of Demi's birthday but I didn't have enough time /: 

Anyways, happy late 23rd to the queen @ddlovato! <3 <3 

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