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10 p.m. is a good time to wake up on a Saturday, it's late, but not late enough to miss out on anything going on in the day. After hopping out of the shower and jumping into more loose fitting sweats and a short sleeve, i move over to the kitchen where i store my CD player and press play. Yes, nothing like some good smooth jazz in the morning to start your day off right. Getting out everything to make pancakes, i sway around to the musical sensation filling the room. Heating up the pan, someone calls on the house phone, that doesn't really happen? i turn off the stove and grab the phone,"Hello...?" i sounded a bit disturbed. "Hey (y/n)! It's Renae!" Okay thank god, it's just Renae. She knows my morning routine, we've been friends since 3rd grade. "Oh hey, what's happenin'?" This time i wasn't so stressed. "Oh not much just kind of sitting around, me and a couple other people were going to be watching movies over at my house if you wanted to walk on over around 5?" As much as i would prefer being home, i haven't talked to Renae in forever and honestly it's not like it's a huge party so it'll be fine,"uh, yeah! That'd be pretty cool, i'll come on over." "Sounds good! If you want bring some movies or something." She sounded really excited like we haven't talked in years. "Alright i'll see ya'." Like i said, i want to go, but i'd prefer my house a little more. She hung up before she could even say goodbye. She's pretty anxious.

It's almost time to go, but changing my outfit didn't really seem needed, honestly who else is going to be there, but Renae and probably 2 more people. i grab a few vhs's just in case Rae's (Renae) collection didn't suit everyone. i threw them in my backpack and walked over to her house, she honestly doesn't live to far away only about 2 blocks. Mom and dad usually know that where i'm at when i'm gone, i'm at Rae's or grandmas so i just leave them a note. And i'm off with my backpack on my shoulders and some sluggy sweatpants.

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