2 (cont.)

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As we walked out on the deck he pulls out a pack of smokes, his eyes were a bit tired looking, and seemed exhausted,"Look (y/n), I feel like besides Corey, you're one I can trust. I can just see it in your eyes that you are a caring person and I like that." He lights a smoke and puts his elbows on the deck. Wow, he really thought this about me? "Thanks Corey i'm glad you think that way about me." i walk over to him and mimic his position right beside him. "Can I tell you something that only Corey knows?" He looked me in the eyes in all seriousness,"uhm sure, yeah anything." He took a drag of his smoke like his life depended on it,"(y/n), i have a serious addiction to heroin." i sat there for a little bit, that probably explains his red, baggy eyes. i looked at him, coming from a family that has struggled through this i felt like i needed to protect him now, we only just met, but i feel like it's only right. "i'm sorry Corey." We sat there in silence and he promptly turned to me and hugged me tight, he hugged me like he's never hugged anyone, like he was eager for someone. i could hear him tearing up a little bit, so i hugged him back. i usually don't get this close to people i just meet, but i understood what he was dealing with and i couldn't just leave someone that's in need of someone. After a while we were still just sitting on the porch talking about our struggles, i feel like he's someone i can just tell everything to, there's something about him that makes me feel safe and comfortable. As we were sitting there in the quiet night he turned to me,"This is kind of personal so you don't have to answer, but have you ever just kind of had such a good feeling about someone, you can't help but think they are .. I don't know .. The one?" He looked over at me. "That's kind of a cheesy question don't you think?" And you were right, it was kind of cheesy, but it is something to think about. "Yeah that's kind of a stupid question to ask." He looked away and seemed a little disappointed i didn't answer. Seeing him sad will not cut it right now,"Well actually, no. I've never really felt that. Unfortunately. What about you?" He looked at me and smiled, his grin made me flash a smile. "Well there is someone I've had a good feeling about, someone I feel that can make me change." He looked at you and his smile suddenly had gotten more serious. He leaned in and kissed my neck and i suddenly got goosebumps. Woah, okay what's going on here? He put his hand on my thigh, eagerly kissing my neck, i don't know how to feel about this. i kind of inched my way back and he stopped suddenly,"What's wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" i cut him off,"No Corey it's okay, I just think there should be a better place and time for this, we did just meet." He flashed a grin,"So are you saying, you'd wanna go steady with me (y/n)?" You smiled and pushed his shoulder, he's so dumb.

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