t h r e e | m a r g o

17 3 2

"Yo, Margarita!" Jason yelled as he walked up to Margo.

Margo slapped his broad chest. "Not you too, Jase. It's been twelve years and I still haven't convinced my very own mother to call me Margo." She scowled. Jason laughed.

"Tell me about it. Hey, I wanted to show you this song. It's by my friend Ashton's band and it's like," he spread his fingers out. "So awesome."

Margo laughed. "Yeah? Let's go to Starbucks and you can play me that awesome song you were talking about."

So they hopped into Jason's car and Margo turned on the radio.

"Hello, America, today we're gonna be playing the latest single by our favourite Australian band, Five Seconds of Summer! I'm Mills, and this is She Looks So Perfect!" The radio DJ announced.

"Ooh!" Jason squealed, turning up the volume. "This is it!"

"Okay, calm down, Jase." Margo laughed, sitting back in her seat.

As the song played, the two teenagers sitting in that very Fiat couldn't help but respond to the music on the car radio. Jason was singing along at the top of his lungs, and Margo found it very hard not to bob her head along with the music.

"And I know now, that I'm so down! He-ey!" Jason crooned, swaying his head side to side. Margo tapped her fingers on the dash board along to the beat.

"So?" Jason asked, breathless, as the song ended. He looked over at his best friend expectedly.

"You were right," Margo admitted. "That song is pretty awesome, Jase."

"I told you!" He sang. Fishing around in the compartment below the dashboard, he added. "I have a mix of some of their older songs that Ash made for me. Do you wanna play it now or take it home to play on your own?"

"Now. Only God knows what my mom would say if she found me not listening to traditional Spanish music." Margo huffed. Jason put in the tape and they listened to songs by the boys like Heartbreak Girl, Don't Stop and Voodoo Doll. And Margo loved all of it.


"Mama! I'm home!" Margo called, walking into her home.

"In here, mijo! Would you like some tortillas?" Her mother called. Margo sighed.

"Mama, please. Have we run out of microwave pizzas?" Margo asked hoping for the latter.

"No, querido, I'm so sorry." Her mother apologised. "You know that we go grocery shopping on Martes."

Margo plopped down on a kitchen table. "Yeah, I guess. I'll have a tortilla. Just one."

"Mijo, you eat too-"

"So when's Tía Marina coming?" Margo asked hurriedly, desperate to avoid the subject of food.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked, querido. She's coming on the fourth of Septiembre! Are you not excited?" Her mother gushed. Margo sighed.

"Oh, I wish I were here to see her, Mama, but Jason has invited me for a sleepover that day." She pouted. It was a thing she did, pretending to have a sleepover over at Jase's.

"Your Jason seems to have a lot of fiestas nocturnas when your Tía comes." Her mother stated. Margo held her breath. "Still, it's not like he knows when she's coming to visita, no?"

Margo beamed at her mother. "No, Mama. Don't blame him. Give Tía Marina my love."

"Okay. Do you have any homework?" Margo nodded. "Bien entonces, go do it. I'll call you when the tortillas are ready, okay mijo?"

"Okay. Love you, Mama." Margo dashed upstairs without waiting for a response. She then pulled out her phone to text Jason about the sleepover they were going to have at his house on the fourth of September.

To: jaseeeee :)
sleepover @ ur house on 4 sep. u in???

She got a reply almost instantly.

From: jaseeeee :)
you got it ;) see u tomoz

"Querido, your tortilla is ready! Ilegado  rápido!"


a/n: sucky and short yET important. it'll get good soon i s2g mkay? anywho, i thought that i could try this thing were i tell you a random fact about each character at the end of each chapter, so here goes:

Margo's character is named after Margo Roth Speigelman from John Green's novel Paper Towns.

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